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New Yosolda


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Hey, I am just making a plain and simple request for a mod that basically changes Yosolda's clothes to make her a bit more attractive. If there are any modder out there up for a greater challenge, the next step would be to make a mod that allows you to access your spouse's inventory. Through that, you can ultimately change their apparel. I think this would be an add on everyone would enjoy.


P.S I am aware that there was a re texture of Yosolda's clothing, but I was hoping for something new.

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yea, i would like a mod for this, even a mod that allows you to enter character creation with other characters would be great.


if you cant wait, you can use console commands to give yourself really good pickpocketing, and just steal her clothes off of her, and place new clothes in her inventory, then just change your pickpocketing back to what it was before.

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yea, i would like a mod for this, even a mod that allows you to enter character creation with other characters would be great.


if you cant wait, you can use console commands to give yourself really good pickpocketing, and just steal her clothes off of her, and place new clothes in her inventory, then just change your pickpocketing back to what it was before.


never thought of that. neat trick, thanks. And a character creation for other characters sounds pretty tricky, but it would be awesome if somebody pulled it off.

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Sorry, that just bugs the crap out of me when someone makes such a blatant misspell.


Grammar nazism and all that.


As for the mod, I'm in support.


I think it's Yosola for some versions of the game depending the language...idk mine is in spanish and it says Ysola too so not sure...


btw I'd like this too lol I think we all married her o_O"

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why do so many ppl marry her? haha

becasue she is a merchant, who has over 700 gold, can be accesed at any time, and will by anything. she's not bad looking either ;)


yup, I did invest on her now she has 2k every 2 days that and her voice....

Edited by domaik
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If you don't want to screw up your character by tweaking your skills, you can use 'removeitem <item ID> <count>' when targetting her in the console. Not sure of what clothing ID she uses though, and I haven't tested it myself, but cheating with the skills is never fun.


Alternatively you can just level your pickpocket up to 100, goes really fast tbh.

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