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Is Fallout 4 Modding Scene Dead ?


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Is modding FO4 dead?

not quite...


quality over quantity- FO4 mods are fewer and far between, yet the quality has been awesome IMHO.

hopefully we see more quest-mod and collaboration mods.


I am still hopeful for the Enclave full faction and storyline mod.


I am hopeful for more bounties and random quest mods.

I am happy to collaborate with folks on such as best I can!

It is the least I can do to thank the mod makers thus far!


it just seems that, there is less collabs this time around.

Writers or content-producer are there, its matching them to the technically minded and mod-maker which has been odd with FO4 compared with

FONV or FO3...


Modders have thankfully made FO4 have more continuity with

FO3 and FONV...

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I'm just hoping we'll see a Joy of Perspective mod in the future. 3rd person perspective mods are always my "must haves" of any game I play (within reason)


Joy of Perspective is a first person perspective gameplay mod. Third person perspective is when you see your character from behind.

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So the answer to the question is either, yes the modding community is broken for (enter speculation here) or the answer is that Bethesda proved they actually dont care at all about the modding community like we all thought they did since they cant make money off it and decided not to release the mod tool until way too late as punishment for our blow-back to their greed.

Yeah, no, that's not what happened. They were saying from the start that getting the tools to PC users wasn't going to happen for several months. Nobody expected otherwise, and the reason became crystal clear once the Bethesda.net site was revealed.


Its time to wake up. The company that made damn sure we had tools in our hands before Skyrim was even released slapped the modding community in the face with Fallout 4 and the game clearly suffered for it in terms of mod amounts and quality.

Um. No. The CK for Skyrim was released in February of 2012, 3 months after the game. The tools were definitely not in our hands before release.


Even Oblivion's CS wasn't available for download until 2 days after the game launched in 2006.


Having to wait the more than 6 months after release for beth to release the mod tools though was not okay and didn't help the feeling that they were stalling the CK so they could make more settlement DLC. Having to wait as long as we did hurt the fanbase and frankly I think hurt modding.

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I dunno, I just saw a great review for Maxwell's World, it sounds like something I desperately want to play. So no, the modding scene isn't quite dead. But on the other hand. I don't want to play it just yet, because I just realized now I'm waiting for Fallout Classic Weapons. For all my complaints about the story, and the dialogue and the writing, and they are justified, the thing that keeps me from going back is the disgusting lack of lore weapons. And maybe a combat balancer, cause I hate damage sponge fights. I want a Project Nevada that makes fighting quick, dirty and painful. And those mods will take time.


I didn't get New Vegas until late 2012, so I don't know the timetable of a Project Nevada mod, but I imagine once we get a Project Nevada, interest in Fallout 4 modding will come back, as will any modder who left the scene.

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how shall I put this, the modding scene has new priorities that are not things it's used to, because of what fallout 4 kinda left out in a sense, but there's also new possibilities because of what it brought to the table
so it's a very large shakeup

this is why things are plugging away slowly and erratically seemingly, but lots of people are on various things, there's a lot of people doing similar things and this is fine, eventually the best ideas will be sorted through and aggregated while the less popular ideas will probably also aggregate to an extent and we'll get more refined pieces of work based on what peoples' experiences are with those other mods

it takes years for a community to hone itself or the works it does to something we'd expect on the order of magnitude of difference from FO3 and NV mods, or skyrim mods

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