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Is Fallout 4 Modding Scene Dead ?


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Appreciate the contribution there. Really adding to the conversation. You do realize you don't HAVE to reply or even open the page... just saying.


I am a fan of you work, and appreciate the hard work you put it. (To be clear, the above is sarcasm, this is not. I really do like your mods).

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I'm actually feeling discouraged now, after taking a look at the "hot files". Slowly getting saturated with presets, and as all that has been coming out lately for Skyrim(well past its "modding prime" now) is followers and presets.. I think Fallout 4 modding is at an even lower point -__________-. Makes me wish I could speed things up with my own project.

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I wouldn't say Fallout modding is dead or even on the decline, I'm seeing tons of new people coming in even though some of the old school have jumped ship.


I don't even think you can say Console modding KILLED PC Modding! YES it has it's problems, Mod Theft, Trolls, Bethesda, Bethesda's site but there are a lot of really nice, good people that are genuinely interested in mods over there. I don't think there is more entitlement on console then there is on PC, you're just seeing more of it because those people are always more vocal and it's a new thing for them.


I myself have had an overwhelmingly positive response from the XB1 players, many go out of their way to test my mod when other XB1 players have issues or conflicts. Some have gone as far as to install someone else's entire load order just to rule out the fact the problem wasn't being caused by Beantown Interiors. (They do know I don't have an Xbox to test on myself!)


I also feel it's sad that Sony KILLED PS4 mods, I was looking forward to sharing with them too.




Yes it's true that the Ckit's fundamentals have really not changed since Morrowind, however modding FO4 is a lot more complicated. A lot has changed and the game itself isn't as accommodating when it comes to mods working together. One example is how the game is optimized with the Pre-combined meshes and visibility, I won't even get into the Dialogue system and voiced protagonist which has more then likely put off many quest modders.


Another thing to take into consideration is, that many Fallout Modders aren't into Skyrim or the Elder Scrolls so, when Skyrim released they continued modding FO3/NV. Now with FO4 We have to learn all the new Skyrim specific stuff like Papyrus Scripting. (I'm talking from personal perspective but I do know quite a few people like myself who never bothered to mod Skyrim)


So just be patient, give it some time and you'll start to see good mods pop up from time to time. Also there is no need to beat up on the console players for the choice of system. (Feel free to attack the thieves and trolls, I'm just saying that there are a lot more good over there then you may think.)

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I saw two new giant mods today that look awesome.


Modders seem to find a way. I don't make mods myself, but I'm learning, and I use a lot of them. It seems to me that the whole spirit of modding is in "finding a way".

While this game has it's problems, it has many open ended systems that give it a lot of potential. I think chuck is right, it's just going to take time and people who want to play and mod fallout, will play and mod fallout. The scene will dry up when people start running out of ideas. Since the ck was late, modders have only just begun to be able to get their ideas out. If there is anything this game seems to lack, modders will find a way to fill that void. If good mods go abandoned, new modders take up the baton and continue what's been started. There are still giant awesome mods coming out for FNV all these years later. Of course modders want their mods to be recognized, but I think that sits secondary to making the game awesome, so you can play it and have fun. That's how the whole thing got started, and it still remains the reason why people do it.


Generally I think we all want the game to be good, and we all want it to be good for everyone else, and that's what makes it such a compelling hobby.

Edited by thrax7545
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I have been following the modding community on Nexus very quietly for several years now, going all the way back to TES IV: Oblivion, and while I don't really post or say much, I will add this;


1. The only time I felt like modding was dead/might be dying was when I come across these threads on the forums. Otherwise, the thought never even crosses my mind.


2. As many others have said; it takes time. FO4 has put out way more far faster than I recall for FO3, NV, or Skyrim. The best stuff, if history is an accurate reference, won't be out for roughly 6 months to a year and a half from now I'd say. The best stuff for Skyrim didn't come out for years until after it's release.


3. Upon reading the responses and follow-up posts by the OP, there very much appears to be an agenda being pushed by Aeradom and definately a desire to argue/conflict, but I cannot imagine what that agenda is or why Aeradom would want to argue for the sake of arguing.



TL;DR Modding is fine, best stuff takes times, not really sure what the OP is seeking. Validation?

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This is one of those topics that I see popping up on the forums frequently, and every time it makes me groan to myself, just as it does whenever I hear someone ask "is -insert subject matter here- dying?"

Modding for Fallout 4 clearly is alive and well, and none of the examples you cite are in any way a clear indication of this not being the case. New mods are appearing all the time, as well as new modders (or those wanting to begin to make mods) Perhaps what is dying is your enthusiasm for the new/recent mods your seeing as they don't fulfill your expectations.

Funny how it's always those who aren't actually mod authors themselves who ask this question.

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FO4 modding is alive, but on a much lower level than half a year ago.

Also the number of active players has decreased massively and therefore also the number of downloads. That's maybe why many mods don't get any updates anymore.


Why should i update my mods, when they are more or less doing what they are supposed to? I could add the one or other request or add another gimmick, but why should i when just a few people download it without giving any feedback (posts or endorsements)?

Actually i am doing the same as all other players. Why should i download the next PA paint job, weapon, building mod, even if they are really impressive?. I already have enough paint jobs, weapons and workshop elements for the next 10 playtroughs (which never will take place)

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My guess is that what will ultimately the best Fallout 4 mods are still being added to with updates or are currently under development. Can't give too much away because of the time Voyageur du Temps code of conduct, but FO4 modding is ongoing and there is an 84% chance the future will be bright.


Never the less, there are certain critical points which must not occur in the future. The most important is to avoid the Friday, January 6, 2017 meeting in which a charismatic VP from Microsoft gives such a rousing presentation that the board members of Bethesda Software all hop up on the board table and sing the song, Money Money Money.

Edited by Moksha8088
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I wouldn't say Fallout modding is dead or even on the decline, I'm seeing tons of new people coming in even though some of the old school have jumped ship....

Wise words and I thank you for your thoughts on the matter. If Fallout 4 is to reach it's potential (as far as modding is concerned), others will have to step up and fill the void left by so many Skyrim modders leaving. Now I would assume that those modders would be just as discouraged with everything going on. But it is possible that, unlike those people who came over from Skyrim and was creating mods in the early going, the Fallout modding veterans are more willing to overlook those issues as the franchise is more their baby. And with so many of them leaving, I do think it has contributed to the drop-off that has occurred. I suppose only time will tell in regards to that.


As far as console players go, I didn't mean to come off as disparaging towards them. But it's undeniable the negative affect it had on the community with all that occurred around it. I'm also not as hopeful though that we'll see a lot of pure console players jump into creating mods though just because they've never really gotten into PC gaming, let alone PC modding. But like I and others have said


This is one of those topics that I see popping up on the forums frequently, and every time it makes me groan to myself, just as it does whenever I hear someone ask "is -insert subject matter here- dying?"

Modding for Fallout 4 clearly is alive and well, and none of the examples you cite are in any way a clear indication of this not being the case. New mods are appearing all the time, as well as new modders (or those wanting to begin to make mods) Perhaps what is dying is your enthusiasm for the new/recent mods your seeing as they don't fulfill your expectations.

Funny how it's always those who aren't actually mod authors themselves who ask this question.

Oh, such great arrogance you have! For your information, not only am I working on some mods of my own, but I am also working with a colleague on a wiki over on the STEP forum to make modding a smoother process to those people who are wanting to jump back in (or for the first time if they waited for all the DLC to come out). In fact, what drove me to do those things is in part because I wanted to dive back in now that all the DLC was out. So my enthusiasm for the game and its content has not waned. Also if you really believe that it's alive and "well", then you are delusional. While I certainly think (and hope) that modding will return to normal, you can't deny the negative impact that all the drama has brought into not just the fallout modding community, but the overall landscape it said. I don't see those people that were burnt by everything that's occurred to suddenly jump into the pool whenever the next Elder Scrolls game comes out (modding wise I mean).


Perhaps this conversation has been talked to death on the forums, but I haven't because I have things to do and don't get to check the forums as often as apparently, you do. So if these topics really bother you, then please don't post. You are just wasting your time and mine. But as a suggestion, I'd pull that head of out the sand if I were you; it's a good way to get suffocated.


FO4 modding is alive, but on a much lower level than half a year ago.

Also the number of active players has decreased massively and therefore also the number of downloads. That's maybe why many mods don't get any updates anymore.


Why should i update my mods, when they are more or less doing what they are supposed to? I could add the one or other request or add another gimmick, but why should i when just a few people download it without giving any feedback (posts or endorsements)?

Actually i am doing the same as all other players. Why should i download the next PA paint job, weapon, building mod, even if they are really impressive?. I already have enough paint jobs, weapons and workshop elements for the next 10 playtroughs (which never will take place)

Good points, but I think you are skimming over a much larger point. I've always thought and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, that people mod more for the love and art than merely to get more downloads/endorsements. While I'm sure that's not what you meant to imply, I do think it's valid to bring up how much the game has waned in popularity since it's release. I also think that whereas people kept coming back to Skyrim to experience the new content, I don't think very many that have left will ever return to it.


My guess is that what will ultimately the best Fallout 4 mods are still being added to with updates or are currently under development. Can't give too much away because of the time Voyageur du Temps code of conduct, but FO4 modding is ongoing and there is an 84% chance the future will be bright.


Never the less, there are certain critical points which must not occur in the future. The most important is to avoid the Friday, January 6, 2017 meeting in which a charismatic VP from Microsoft gives such a rousing presentation that the board members of Bethesda Software all hop up on the board table and sing the song, Money Money Money.

I hope so.

Edited by Aeradom
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