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raggedy,ripped,torn etc.,clothing, armor


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Well... I've searched here and on the file download page and have had no hits so...


I'm beginning to suspect myself of having serious masochistic tendencies as I play Oblivion...other than the fact that I DO play Oblivion....


My un- armored female Sylvan Elf has all the lovley clothes that are available for the TFF body, plus a few that shouldn't be. She looks lovely, clean, neat and tidy. ALWAYS. She could finish a v. bloody battle with numerous nasties and go straight to a Royal garden party, after covering up a bit and letting the blood splashes fade, of course.


I would like her to look as though she HAS been in a fight: clothes torn, ripped,ragged, in strips - the more the better to show off the bruises and abrasions that should be visible on her exposed skin. To effect this I would like to be able to wear 'before-ruck', and 'apres-ruck' clothes. The same clothes, but in different states of 'wholeness'. I don't imagine it would be possible to have clothes and flesh metamorphosize during a battle. 'Before 'would be as neat, tidy and clean as one has come to expect of Oblivion clothing mods. 'After' would be as described above, with wounded flesh showing in the gaps. 'Dirty' would be nice too, but that's probably asking too much.


One interesting effect that I have noticed when I try to put one body type's clothes/armor onto another is 'bruising' of the some of the skin. And some of the clipping effects are interesting as well. Exnem's on TFF is 'good' for this. Well... to me they are.


Okay... so changing clothes to the same, though radically altered, clothes after a battle to look ' beat up ' might be a bit immersion bending but... what isn't?


So... anyone? Or am I alone in feeling that there should be something more indicative of life in Oblivion other than an increase in experience points, casting Restore ... and getting out the repair hammers? No dissing of the wonderful work of all the clothing modders out there, but....

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67 walkbys in 2 days..., not bad I suppose. 'Course there's nothing to look at, other than the original post, and now this one, so it's no wonder no one is lingering long enough to say something. Though there is, obviously, something about this post which tweaks people's interest. Perhaps if I had put Nude, or Naked, or Sex in the heading.... Have to get some marketing advice. Maybe the only people stopping by are the Moderators... are Moderator visits tallied? Oh well, could be worse... could have no visitors at all. Perhaps there is a 'title' that one can aspire to. Something like ' the post with the most visits and the fewest replies.... I think I'd better get some Art in here, as soon as I figure out how to do it. Then ... we shall see.
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people just do not like you :)


seriously- I am sure that this suggestion must have been given before - as it is such a basic natural event- that when you take damage you should show it. I am also quite sure that it is likely to be difficult to implement- as apparently there are meshes for clothing and it would probably mean messing around with those- and possibly having multiple meshes for each clothing item- or a system where meshes could be altered when hit/torn- and so on... (apologies if I have this wrong- but have little understanding of this aspect of modding) (or for that matter any other aspect)


I would certainly be myself interested in using a mod where I could cut clothes off an opponent (image of zorro and catherine zeta j.)- would probably start using swords- also imagine the clothes being burnt off an opponent with a fire spell- would certainly increase realism.


Maybe you should suggest this as something you want to see in TES V.


On a philosophical note: there is no end to what can be implemented in a game, and I suppose we are all waiting for a day when we can play something as real as life. Every improvement brings us closer- but then we come up with more suggestions for realism (as we know it). Most days I perceive the real world as a simulation (with no save game facility)- and admire the intricate attention to detail..... what I may be trying to say (though this is debatable) is that we may never quite get there in our lives- but the journey is damn good (thanks to Morrowind/Oblivion et al)

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yes... I had considered the 'unlikeability' factor, but thought I would wait until 100 walkbys and no replies before I got seriously pathetic and self-pitying.


Thanks, Samroski, for your thoughful reply. At the very worst it means that there is much less ' echo ' in the room, now.


I am almost certain that this idea has been mooted before by others with far more acuity than I can even think of possessing.


I, too , would like to see damage as it occurs, other than the usual, though welcome, blood splashes. My sights were set very much lower; not, as far as I know , involving codeing etc.. Have just been directed to L'Hammonds basic retexture tutorial and it gives me some hope that even I might just be able to attempt a low end facsimile of what I have in mind. Watch this... etc..


Philosophically speaking, I can't see you for dust. YOUR dust. ( ...would insert inward looking, vulnerable 'I wish I hadn't started from here' smiley yellow face at this point if wasn't afraid of breaking something ...) Existential detritus- and believe me when I say that that is the best kind of detritus- not withstanding, at least one can see where you, the Samroski, has been . And, true, the journey IS the best part of arriving. Amen to the goodness that is Oblivion.


TES V? Would that be the next version of Oblivion? ( no point in trying to hide all encompassing ignorance now)


Cheers mate. Go well.

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best of luck with your efforts


Oblivion is the 4th game by The Elder Scrolls - therefore: TES IV. Hopefully they'll come up with TES V- though I am trying to avoid getting too excited about it yet (waiting for oblivion was my favourite site one year before release of oblivion and I followed all the hype - and then my system would not run it- so got a new laptop- and was a bit disappointed about some aspects when it finally ran- though have been able to mod it to my liking now- as I said your idea should ideally be implemented in TES V- but do not pin your hopes on it)

you could check out this thread:


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... ahh, the wonderful world of supensefull expectation. 'It is better to travel in hope, than expectation.' Who said that? He/she obviously hadn't been trying hard enough. Expectations dashed: get some new ones. Hope dashed: downward spiralling bummer. I shall immed. click on that link. Cheers for the encouragement. But your breath you should not hold. Ta.
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Although it doesn't have any actual mesh changing, Gorier Blood might be something you might like. It makes it so when you kill an enemy (or when a fight goes on long enough) Your hands and weapon will get blood on them. Sometimes yur armr even gets blood on it.


Edit: Sorry, wrong mod, though the above one could help. THIS (A Bloody Mess) is the one I described up there. Again, sorry.

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Thanks Chairow.


I'm using Gorrier Blood at the mo. Tried Bloody Mess, 'cause I liked the idea of more gore, and , if I remember correctly, losing personality points because of the besmirchment, but, unfortunately, it turned my character completely black. Though it did 'wash off ' as it said it would on the box. Obviously some conflict going on there.



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I think maybe the best approach to this would be to put jagged invisible holes with a touch of art at the bordrs onto the existing character. This would alleviate the need to edit every piece of armor and clothing. Rips of transparency could be applied to any clothing.
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Yes, Seal, I did think that that would be a fairly simple, straightforward solution. I mentioned, earlier, the 'interesting' clipping and bruising effects acheived by putting things meant for one body onto another. Course, everything else looks fairly gross.


I wonder, though , whether modders who have spent so much time and talent 'perfecting' their work would want to give permission to anyone wishing to 'rip' bits out of it. And as, so far, there isn't much of a queue of said modders, here, I think one may presume their response.

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