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100% magic immunity, possible?


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I'm currently playing a Breton with a 1hander + shield. Since Bretons have a natural 25% magica resistance, the Block perk Elemental Protection gives another 50%, which gives a total of 75% when I block. Unfortunately, I've never seen any resist magic damage gear so far on any of my chars. I know that stuff has to lie around somewhere, so when I enchant it on my armor I should be able to reach 100%, right?


Might it also bepossible to enchant all the way up to 100% without the blocking perk?

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I can't test it myself at the moment, but from reading the several test reports over there, the immunity applies only to poison and disease, all other damage reduction source has some kind of cap least not make the game boring by player invulnerability. The workaround is using cheats like GDM or TIM (beware this last can have some strange consequences like being beheaded in game, not dying and wandering around without anything above the neck, not that many fighters out there will notice that the brain is missing at all :) ).
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