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I will give Ulfric credit


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Bethesda has departed from the regular "good side"/"bad side" conventions in Skyrim....which is kind of refreshing. While you personally can choose to do "good" or "bad", the situation you find yourself in is typical of the real world. There isn't any group out for the benefit of mankind....every faction is out only for power and itself, and just pretends they are in the right.
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I think you misunderstand me slightly, BallsofFyre. I am an old Fallout series player, and can find some positives in almost any faction I can join - good, evil, or otherwise. Even the original Enclave (back on the oil rig) had some positives it could bring about beyond simply the President's personal gain. I simply do not see any positives coming out of Ulfric running the show, from any perspective beyond his own personal gain. "Skyrim for the Nords" provides no real benefit for the Nords, it ends up costing them dramatically in trade options as well as alienating themselves from yet more nations, painting a giant bullseye on them for later. Skyrim is less gray vs gray, and more gray vs pitch black.
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I agree, to me Ulfric is a black hole in terms of the whole light and dark thing.


I do have some sympathies with the Stormcloaks, and i think they are something of a grey-grey counterpart to a somewhat despirate Empire, but Ulfric makes the bile rise in my gullet. The Stormcloaks are nothing but tools for him to cease the Throne, and i'd be surprised if he even worships Talos to start with.

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Wish there was a third choice because i hate both -_-. Doesnt even matter if someone woud be considered good or bad or something in between, the first is a racist and the seconds tryed to kill me withhout asking. Great choices.


The only reason why i even bothered with this was the house that is only buyable if you made some progress in those questlines.

Edited by Cyrotek
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I disagree. Ulfric isn't really all that racist. I don't see it. He wants Skyrim to be run by... well, honestly, by himself. Windhelm is racist, sure, but not as bad as all that compared to historical racism in the Americas.


It's not like the Irish or something, where the Thalmor are trying to join society but because of racism they can't; the Thalmor are more like Americans in Iraq. Invading, and sure there's people there, but only because they want to invade. I feel like Niranye's response to the racism question is more telling: they don't initially trust elves, sure. But if you make an effort, they're not bad people. The reason that the dark elves are hated is because they are too prideful to make nice.

Edited by Linsolv
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The thalmor are like Americans? I'd say thalmor are more like nazis who want to eliminate a religious group.


I believe that people initially saw the storm cloaks as the "good guys" because it was the imperials who were determined to behead you. Also, the '"rebels'" are usually the good guys. I totall agree with the op, I want to restart my character just because I joined this lunatic.


Edit: You may want to do some research on why America is in Iraq XD

Edited by Eversjm7
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The thalmor are like Americans? I'd say thalmor are more like nazis who want to eliminate a religious group.

WELL... yes and no. I meant that they aren't trying to integrate with and join society. They're trying to dominate society. There are plenty of examples and I picked one.

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I think Skyrim and the civil war was designed to give the impression that the empire is doomed no matter what happens.


I'm not sure where people get this impression. Rome got pretty beaten at several points in its history, most notably during the civil was just after Julius's death, and came back stronger than ever. The Empire may be down, but i'd hardly say its beaten.


The Roman empire during its decline saw decay in its economy, political structure, military, etc in conjuction with foreign invasions and usurpers to the throne. You have admit, the similarities are uncanny.

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I disagree. Ulfric isn't really all that racist. I don't see it. He wants Skyrim to be run by... well, honestly, by himself. Windhelm is racist, sure, but not as bad as all that compared to historical racism in the Americas.


It's not like the Irish or something, where the Thalmor are trying to join society but because of racism they can't; the Thalmor are more like Americans in Iraq. Invading, and sure there's people there, but only because they want to invade. I feel like Niranye's response to the racism question is more telling: they don't initially trust elves, sure. But if you make an effort, they're not bad people. The reason that the dark elves are hated is because they are too prideful to make nice.

Well I think the reason that they don't like the dark elves is because of immigration, when has a certain people ever liked imigration like you saaid we have the Irish but more recently hispanics in america a lot of americans don't like them because they are taking jobs and all that nonesense (although in America when they're allowed to take the jobs back they don't which has caused crop failure). And the reason they hate other elves is because of the great war. During ww2 the japanese were extremely persecuted here even more than the Germans because the Germans where white so at this time all elves are being looked down upon. And then the kahjit(?) and Argonians because they are different than the Human.

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