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Standalone stagnation


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Why does every weapon mod on the (FO)Nexus contain some new modder/vintage highly detailed gun who's damage is completely unbalanced compared to vanilla guns and comes complete with a leveled list .esp as if we were going to download their gun and use it as our sole custom weapon mod added to our leveled lists? So now new kewl gun mod is unusable because a. it's OP and b. it's .esp isn't compatible with all the other 1000 special snowflake gun mods which did the same thing.


So here is a question... is there a modder which has tackled this dilemma by balancing mod weapon damage and created a merged leveled lists so that all these snowflake mods could actually combine to add *many* new guns/weapons to the game? Wtf is the point of *Standalone* gun after standalone gun mod here??

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if the damage weapons inflict bothers you just load up the CK and change it. it is very easy to do just go read the tutorial. im not even saying that as a typical "do it yourself" person, it is one of the easiest things to change.

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IMHO, there are quite a few "standalone" guns that flat-out suck. Out of all the weapons in (for example) WSE2, I'd actually use maybe two or three of them, so it's -far- easier for me to just grab the standalone versions and their AWKCR patches (if available).


As for leveled-list issues, those can be solved in about two minutes by making a merged patch with FO4Edit. And that's assuming the LL editing isn't done via script, which thankfully is becoming more common.


When it comes to damage - what's overpowered for you may be piss-weak for me, or vice-versa. If you think a certain weapon should hit harder or not quite so bad, then again you can use FO4Edit to change that in literally less than a minute. I just got done tweaking the Varmint Rifle to better fit in with the rest of my game - adjust the damage, tweak/remove some properties from the different attachments (it bugs the hell out of me that changing the receiver somehow makes a gun hit harder). Total time, roughly three minutes from when I opened the program to when I exited. If you're too lazy to do even that tiny, TINY amount of work, then you need to sit down, shut up and stop trying to tell mod authors what they should or shouldn't do.

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an excellent question,

if phrased somewhat tersely, I can empathise with the angst

and frustration that troubleshooting can bring hehe...


Stand-alone weapons are there, so as you can mod them further with

"any mod any weapon' -

the shivs mod,

the mk22 50cal chaingun etc

the MIB blasters pack,

come to mind.

the simple joy of attaching a 'shiv' as the bayonet...

having it break with

'any mod any weapon' - priceless.

'where'd my pencil-shiv go? oh, that's right, it broke off in that super mutant' hehehe


putting tommy-gun parts on all those alt

Savage 38 and 45ACP prototype weapons,

it looks very fallouty and funny when they break!


that said,

so often,

all that effort making a cool model, keying the animation,

and all...

it is undone by being 'too OP'.

the MIB weapons?

they were all plasma effect, yet took .38 munitions,

and had 0 recoil.

200+ damage.

it was not at all fun.

point, click, dead...


as to your question -

there should be an auto-mod mod,

which, takes weapons based on class,

and over-writes the damage profile when importing.


if it is 38, it hits with x,y,z.


that way, modders can still mod their mod, their way.

and people can choose to balance the game if they want.


although there are other work around,

if you have a lot of standalone mods etc,

it can be hours saved via such an importing

which is based on weapontype or class.


maybe a Python or Papyrus converter script/scrape-er script could be written?

some pseudocode

read line x,y,z

if |weapontype = xyz| then damage.set.|value|

else if |weaponclass = rifle, pistol etc| then damage.set=|value|


basically, if it is a pistol in the title line, it does pistol damage.

if the converter script can find the weaponclass though,

it will go for that and have a more-specific damage...


My code-fu is not great in FO4 though...


if only there were more quest mods or

lands, bounties etc...

rather than implements and wall-posters, texture up-rez mods etc.

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