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Will the Special Edition reinvigorate Skyrim Modding?


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For the SKSE, I would say about a month ( a very wild guess.)


That's probably a very good guess. The Silverlock team has confirmed that they will start on the new SKSE as soon as they get their hands on the new edition.


No SkyUI is a huge loss though.


One of the mod authors for SkyUI said on their posts section that they wouldn't mind someone else re-writing the code for the new edition through the CK, but I certainly don't have the skill for that. Hmm, maybe I should mosey on over to mod requests and make a thread there...


EDIT: Did so! Now, if only someone will actually do it for us...

Edited by LeddBate
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Since it the most used mod and also the most important and it pretty much the most needed tool for Skyrim, at lest one smarty pants may do it. Sadly, us none coder people can only sit and wait.


But I have feeling an ui mod may come up at lest in the mean while.

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I would say that it really depends on this entire community


on the one hand, maybe the game will be more stable, so modders can go more over the top with their mods, which will allow them to really make their dreams come true in this game

on the other hand, looking at Fallout 4's modding community, the introduction of console mods brought an influx of people here, many of them asking, and some even demanding, that certain mods be ported to their desired console

now, considering that many of these people will probably do the same for Skyrim mods, and probably to many mods that can't be ported, due to console limitations, this may piss many members of this community

I've seen modders just stop reading the comments, and dropping support for their mods, all due to this debacle with Beth.net and console mods

so in order to see the modding scene progressing, we need to ensure modders get the respect they deserve, and that people don't start demanding things

moreover, we need to clarify the limitations of these consoles, so it is clear what types of mods you can even have on consoles, and ensure that users understand these things


the last thing is that, in my opinion, due to the fact that the game itself isn't changed (in terms of gameplay, story, quests and such), many people would have gotten their fill of it by now, so they won't see a reason to return to it

so in order for this community to really grow again, new people will need to pick up the mantle, and make mods themselves, instead of just expecting every modder in history to return and port their mods for the new version


this pretty much sums my thoughts on the subject

would love to hear your comments, if you have any


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Is there a SkyUI for FO4 ? I believe it is the same engine and graphics as the remastered Skyrim?


I'm pretty sure no mod like SkyUI was ever released for FO4

maybe there is such a thing in the planning, though i somehow doubt it


the game itself drove many of the community away from itself, so it may require some new blood, if it is ever to be made


but i could be wrong about this, and if anyone knows any differently, please do tell

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It seems that at least half of the Skyrim modders have already left the building and moved on to something else, so any new mods that are developed could be considered to be reinvigorating. However, there will need to be a significant number of worthwhile mods migrating to the 64-bit version to declare a modding success. Bethesda's success criteria are very different. They will be looking toward sales in the console market.


What mods the console users receive will be a blessing for them.

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Is there a SkyUI for FO4 ? I believe it is the same engine and graphics as the remastered Skyrim?




Is there a SkyUI for FO4 ? I believe it is the same engine and graphics as the remastered Skyrim?


I'm pretty sure no mod like SkyUI was ever released for FO4

There's DEF_UI for Fallout 4, but Fallout has the Pipboy UI and a whole different set of problems. It might actually be easier to port from 32-bit to 64-bit than to convert DEF_UI for Skyrim.

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