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Will the Special Edition reinvigorate Skyrim Modding?


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Am i the only one that is hoping that all current mods will require some work to be ported to SSE to prevent people stealing mods? but also in some way i am also hoping that modding will fail for SSE because Bethesda deserves it for all the crap mod authors get from the bethesda site etc.

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I have it pre-ordered for xbox one and plan to download it for my gaming pc as well. Since it's only logical to assume the console mods will be more primitive, I'm reserving that for my easy to pick up, hack n' slash barbarian play style toon, whereas I'll save the PC version for the ultimate, heavily modded magey casto-blasto-jetpack-ninja-dinosaur type experience.


I think that this launch can only serve to inspire new and improved mods, which the whole community benefits from.



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To be honest, I've noticed that, while the output of mods hasn't decreased, the types of mods that are coming out now are quite different from what we were getting before. A lot of what I see are translations, followers(Most of which look identical.), gameplay tweaks, etc. A lot of small stuff or newer versions of older mods. I don't see quite as many overhauls anymore. No more massive texture mods or large new play spaces like Falskaar. Sure, Beyond Skyrim is on the horizon, but at the rate they're moving, TES VI will be out before they release a single province. I'd love to start seeing larger mods that try to add on to the story of the game. Sadly, I don't see any of that happening as a lot of the big modders have moved on.


O that note, I'm also worried as to whether a lot of those big mods will be ported to Special Edition. My fear is that, since a lot of the big modders have moved on, they won't come back to make a newer version for SE, and they won't have given anyone permission to make a port. So all these texture overhauls that could be ready to go soon after launch won't make it to SE, meaning modders will have to start from scratch, and it'll take ages to get back to where we are now in terms of variety and quality.


I get the Legendary Edition isn't going anywhere and all the mods are still available for it, but I'm really sick of the instability and VRAM limitations. I have a 6GB GPU just itching for a challenge.

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Regarding SkyUI - I am not a developer, programmer or whatever - but IIRC, Papyrus is not changed at all in SSE, so scripts in CK should not be a problem. The main thing is SKSE - and probably anything in SkyUI that deals with things similar to that (memory allocation etc.).


EDIT: But the scripts may need to be recompiled in the new CK, and again - for that new SKSE is needed.

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