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Will the Special Edition reinvigorate Skyrim Modding?


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Yeah, I'll refuse to play the game without SKYUI, simply can not go back to that old UI. Would rather deal with old Skyrim and its headaches and keep my sweet, sweet SKYUI. Maybe the SKYUI guys can set up a small GOFUNDME thing for some motivation? Might set a bad precedent but I'd chip in a few bucks to see that ported over.

Edited by showsjohn12
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For ports, if it easy and it should be, you can just port it yourself.


Im not living without skyrim reloaded.


So true, I don't think I ever uninstalled it, updated it as always of course, but was never without it.

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Well it's not even a week since release and we have 33 pages of ported/new mods, I would say the modding community is alive and well. (not to mention busy)

Wondering how many of those are gutted, barely functional ports missing components and assets.

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Probably very few, if any. Note that one of the big uploaders is Arthmoor. And you know he does a good job on all his mods.


Frankly, it looks like we may get the vast majority of our favorite mods ported over a lot faster than most of us anticipated.


(Still hoping someone knowledgeable will port SkyUI for us.)

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Any mod that has a configurable MCM menu in the 32bit version has been stripped down for the SSE. They might get around it by adding a spell that allows you to change settings, but that's just history repeating itself by causing save bloat.


Mod authors are creative, so they'll find ways around it. But I have a feeling they'll get burned out on trying to come up with such ways, and will get tired of trying to build upon their established 32bit mods WITHOUT the benefits of SKSE or SkyUI. The community is so very confident that those tools will be available soon. What if they aren't?

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One example, Sofia. Looking at the comments I would not want the mod in the state it is on SSE. It's a favorite in my existing game.


People who have only experienced Vanilla will think it is amazing.. but it's not the mod it is on Oldrim. It's way too soon to even be porting mods like this..but they will.


Looks like some modders have adopted the rush release, patch later, which really isn't a good thing.


And it's time for me to shut up. Nothing will change, the community will fracture further, and life will go on.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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Meh, I'm not switching any time soon, I downloaded a few mods...but installed none. Will probably wait a few weeks...probably a lot more. In the meantime, I'll just try to stabilize the old one further.

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