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Camera stuck, can't look up or down


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I just loaded my last save, and my camera is stuck in first person. I can look left and right, not up and down. I press F to switch to 3rd person, and I get instantly transported to the Riften stables. Weird and random, right?


What the hell is going on? It's pissing me off to no end. I tried fast traveling to Whiterun, nothing happens. Tried using the tfc command, nothing happens.


The game just randomly decided to become difficult? For NO reason? It was fine the entire time.


However, I remember several hours earlier, while in a dungeon, I could have SWORN the camera went out of alignment or something while in first person. It was odd.


Anyway. Yeah. Please help me save my game. There's no reason I can think of, why this would have happened.

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Try loading an earlier save to see if the problem persists. If so, did you add or remove any mods? Adding a mod might have caused a conflict. Removing a mod is generally not a good idea. Removing mods is one of the leading causes of save corruptions.


If you don't have any problems with an earlier save, you recent save might be corrupted. See whether you can load that earlier save without issues or not and we'll work from there.

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I've decided to just attach a screenshot of the Load Order. This site is whoopty. Won't let me paste.


And to elaborate a little on the problem - When I switch to 3rd person, the camera focuses on my horse.That's why I thought it teleported me to Riften Stables at first. It's where my horse was. As you can see. No camera mods. No Horse mods. Heard Immersive FP can cause this. Don't have that either.


So this deicides to happen at any time? Play for a couple hundred times and this happens? Brilliant. Bethesda were too lazy to fix it. It's unfortunate the Official Patch hasn't either.





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Well, like I said, I've been reading about this. And even console users - who have access to zero mods - are getting this bug. So I'm not sure if it even has to do with modding. Bethesda never fixed the Vampire face aging bug for Oblivion. This seems to be Skyrim's equivalent of that bug.


And I just got it again for my earlier save. So yeah, it seems to be preemptive.


I ran FNIS, all it did was fill my Overwrite with something. Now I'm getting the Yield sign. In this scenario, I never know what to do with it. Never made any sense to me. And I'm not sure what FNIS does anyway. I haven't changed any animations at all.


Yep. So much for deleting my old save. The bug is back. And I haven't run into a single thread anywhere that gives a definitive reason as to why/how this happens. This is just pure AIDS.

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