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Just The Same


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Well yeah, this is a good time for me to write as I have tons on my mind.


I have his laugh and my jokes are his. I have his eyes and smile.

You say Im just like him in every way.

You say Im rebellious like him and that my soul is un-tamable.

When you tell me you have no joy.

You look like you could cry.


So why do you tell me.

After all you no longer love him.

If I am him, then you don’t love me.

But I guess your right I am like him.

After all I cant keep you with me.

I cant get your affection anymore.


Your eyes judge me now every time you look at me.

You say that I do every thing wrong and that I will never get anything right.

You say Im screwed up because of him.


But I don’t even know him.

You took me from him, because you thought it was best.

I was alone for years of my life.


You wonder why I cant bond with you.

Because you were never there.

You never held my hand to cross the road.

You never told me about love and life.

Hell I know nothing about you but you gave life to me.

How is this that I live with a stranger that Im supposed to love.


Do you even remember our song.

No why would you, after all you don’t even know my first word.

You cant remember anything about my early years.

It was “My Girl”. I bet its not anymore.


For Im too much like him….and you hate him.

I guess that’s why you don’t care anymore.


There is a new one here with another man who you wont leave and he wont leave you.

I cant help but feel left out. After all I have no blood in them, and you already don’t want me anymore.

Is it really wrong for me to want to be her.

To want to feel that love that I was deprived of.

To know the warm embrace of a mother’s arms and the proud smile of a father.


Yes this man is my new father, but he doesn’t look at me the same.

After all I have none of his blood.

His family doesn’t want me anymore now that she is here.


And I don’t have any physical true friends.

So is it so wrong to feel this way.

To feel alone in a world with billions of people, is that wrong.

In your eyes this is all wrong, for everything I do is wrong.


All I can say to her is that I lover her and that I wish her the best, and that I promise I will be the sister I never had.

And that if you ever leave her like you did me, then Im there for her, and that she is not alone.

I don’t hate her, I envy her for she will have everything I could have ever dreamt of.



There we go...easier to read hopefully.. ^^

Edited by Brittn
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Profound, amazing, and I would love to read more. You have much courage in writing this work. Kudos!


I suggest only that you look to breaking your writing down from one big paragraph to make it easier for people to comprehend and digest. This is not a criticism, just advice.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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