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How can i take screenshots in .jpg or batch convert .bmp to .jpg?


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I want to take screenshots in full screen mode and have them save as .jpg format. The f12 steam screenshot does nothing. It makes no file. I tried better free camera soley for the purpose of taking jpg screenshots and I edited the ini like it told me to and still doesnt work in full screen. (i'm not using an enb). If i cant take screens in jpg, does anyone know of a way to convert multiple bmp files to jpg at once? Not gonna use format factory cuz reviewers say its full of adware and trojans.

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Yeah, IrfanView is good.


But I don't understand why your F12 isn't working. Are you sure the images aren't being sent to somewhere on your drive than where you thought they should be?

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Skyrim saves screenshots in the BMP format normally so search for that instead of JPG to see if the files are being saved elsewhere. For converting, I use an old copy of Paint Shop Pro I still have hanging around that easily converts large numbers of BMPs into JPGs in seconds. Not sure what the license is on it these days, probably trial-ware I'd imagine.

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I got better free camera along with OneTweek and it works like a charm. Didnt even have to run it in windowed mode. I also did the .ini edits that the BFC instructions tell you to do. Time to spam the forums with screenshots. Not these forums of course. Not those forums either. You dont know about them. Theyre a secret.

Edited by pyrophiliac777
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