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What are you're bad habits?


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09 is logical and realistic man. where the arrow hit would tell you what direction it came from, and you are damn sure going to look for someone that just put an arrow in you're knee.

Woops, should've added that I always sneak away from the place where I fired my the arrow from, enemies still come running right towards me instead of the place where the arrow came from, which sucks. Hard.


edit: and not just a few feet, I sometimes circle around the entire camp or move atleast 50 to 100 ft away :\

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Try and put things back in place that fell off the table.


I cast a spell in Dragonreach that blew everything off the table. Spent a good while putting things back just to say screw and load an old save.

Spend forever trying to get that cup to sit upright on the table in the place it's suppose to be without knocking down the plate next to it.


I hate the grab mechanics with a burning passion. WHY CANT I ROTATE WITH MY MOUSE WHEEL ANYMORE T.T

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I can't stop pickpocketing or stealing from people. At first it started with targeting those I didn't like. Now I can't help myself.


Just yesterday I was in I think the Riften blacksmith shop. The one where the guy adopted the orphan. After talking to him and his adopted apprentice I said to myself that they were good people and I'm not going to steal from them. Ran downstairs, see a strongbox and I just had to see inside. Then I just had to take it. What are these laying on the ground? Ooh some ingots, I'll take those as well. Where did that blacksmith go? I wonder what's in his pockets. Crap, I did it again.


Yesterday, I played for about 8 hours while I was at work. I think I completed one quest. The rest of the time I just stole stuff. And no, I didn't have anything better to do at work. I'm a truck driver so when I sit in a dock for 10 hours I get paid to play video games and watch movies.

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Changing the way my character looks via the console.


1: Make good looking face.

2: Come back later... er maybe not as good as I thought.

3: Edit face

4: Repeat 1-3 several times

5: Load earlier save just to see, realize it looked better than it does now in a weird way :rolleyes:

6: Start new character, process begins again.....

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1. Creating new characters. Always want to try something different get to about level 30ish then start over.

2. Exploring every area in between quests since I rarely like to fast travel. Literally can take days before I even get working on the quest I started.

3. OSSS. Oh S*** Shiny Syndrome. Anything at all that can make me a few extra gold I take. Regardless of weight. I spent way to much time walking out of caves because I am to stubborn to put down that cloth.

4. Dumping the dead in the nearest water source. If there is water or a cliff dead body is going in it or over. Bonus if it's a waterfall.

5. Trying to get as many dragons in one area as possible. I hate only fighting one at a time so I go out of my way to make sure there is more.

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Not wanting to go to a house or store to unload my stuff. So I get over encumbered.


First equip my fortify carry gear. It replaces some of my good gear but at least I can go on for a while longer until I get over encumbered again. Ok, lets see what I don't need. Somehow I always collect some food so I'll eat those or just toss them out. My pickaxe goes too, there are plenty laying around anyway. And I'm off again until I get.. over encumbered. Any inferior weapons or armor I've accidentally picked up along the way are already gone by now. Ah dragon bones. I play light armor anyway so I don't really need them. Those are heavy so that gives me some respite until I get.. over encumbered, again. Next to go are the potions and poisons I don't really use and even pelts, although I do need those for smithing. Eventually I'm stuck and with no cheap or not-so-useful items left to throw away and I'm forced to sell and unload everything I've collected. Then I'm off again and it repeats..

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I tend to pick up everything that doesn't have legs. And if it does have legs, I kill it and take everything on it that doesn't have legs.
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Keeping a massive weapons collection at my house...you never know when you're gonna need something.


Taking Lydia along on my quests, even when she kills me.


Taking Lydia along after she kills me :facepalm:


What can I say.... :rolleyes:

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