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This is a bit off topic, but I think everyone else has given a good list of mod authors to start with. I would like to suggest that the download history feature be revamped. It gets a bit unweildy that every time I update a mod it gets listed as a new download. I like to see what different mods I have downloaded perhaps months or a couple of years ago and not wade through so many iterations of LAL updates for example. I have a similar issue with mods that are updated sometimes crowding out the newly created but that might be a navigation oversight on my part.
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above all chesko of course but also fadingsignal, he's done alot for the bethesda modding community.



EDIT: also Gopher, although he does have his own successful youtube channel and we all know and love him already.

Edited by Joldz
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I think there should be a specific area designated to the wonderful talents that create so much magic in the game, yes I'm talking about the voice actors, maybe a spotlight on the main page specifically for this purpose, including a meet and greet the VA option, this would or should bring the VA and modders together and closer to the community and at the same time show them all how much them and their time/work is appreciated.
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I feel as though while this modding community is fantastic I feel as though things could be catigorized a tad more!


perhaps an area where willing modders could post up a thread to encourage the community to learn and contribute and perhaps make a massive mod toghether! like enderal sized project! or even an area makeover! (forgotten vale perhaps?)


or a request filtering system where compleated requests got archived off into another section while things still requested are active and in 1 area ...perhaps new or bumped requests or other threads could have a section on mainpage to show people on the mainpage whats new and most chatted about


Ive seen a site that does this and it really helps the community see whats up as well as help requesters and mod developers see whats wanted or needed to work on


it certainly makes me excited to visit the site to see whats new in that sence!


perhaps a full on support and tutorial area to help out the n00bs (like myself)

anyone can watch a video and learn how to make a follower (it took 14 videos for me though... :P )

not many can add unique phrases and edit diolouge (DFD fantastic mod!)

even less can add special funtions like toggling follower distance from player (RDO amazing mod!)

very few can put an original 3d model into skyrim to make a follower ( NIF format really? why not FBX? at least theres an autorigger for FBX )

hardly anyone can build anything like Indigo ...(amazing mod)


I feel as though it would be great to see some of the scripting side of the community reaching out and putting tutorials in for scripting and helping the community learn with a personal human touch as not everyone learns from a textbook (autisum as an example of lack of being able to conform to 1 way of learning...also a nod to myself)


creating an event is a good first step if scripting is needed! ..as an example



and lastly I feel as though it should be possible to hit the "enter" key after typing out a search phrase instead of constantly needing to manually click the button


thats all I have to say on the matter!


have a great day everyone! (^u^ )

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In response to post #43565645.

rightfuture wrote: Inspiring and uniting the community:

Modding and playing may still be mostly an individual effort, but we all can help each other accomplish more.

The players, and the modders are essentially 2 teams.
1. the players - are enjoying and supporting content. They need the easiest ways to provide actual support to the modders.
2. the modders - are creating content and helping others do so. They need to reach out to the players to inspire and lead players to become budding modders and improve things.

Both groups are a vital part of this growing community.

Cooperation and coordination is what is going to lead this community to greater and greater heights.
As the community matures we see more and more mod teams looking to tackle and actually finish DLC type epic mod projects. The desire to accomplish something even better, even if it not necessarily something bigger.
Even a team of a beginning and a veteran modder working on a single good idea moves the community forward.

I believe the community needs to come together to coordinate and the teach the ease of the modding process.
We need to show players how easy it is to edit a simple damage value in tes5edit, or how to merge plugins, or fix load order correctly. This leads to people wanting to fix or create mods themselves.

The community needs to have purpose and the leadership of veteran and great mods can move the community forward to the next level. The more we focus on doing that together as a team, the more progress gets made.

The Nexus has a unique opportunity at this time to inspire momentum and direction for all of us.
Just how far can we all explore and create as a team?

brilliant! I don't think I could have said it better myself!

exactly what the community should do!

I am new to nexus (a month or 2) so I don't know how to give "Kudos" to you

so I shall give my thanks in written comment!

THANK YOU! for saying this!
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I would like to see interviews and profiles of folks modding some of the non-Bethesda games. I'm personally a TES fan who doesn't even play Fallout but I imagine that players of other games feel left out when everything seems to be about either Skyrim or Fallout 4 these days and I wouldn't mind finding out what's happening in the other sections of the site.
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In response to post #43549745. #43549900, #43570325, #43571935 are all replies on the same post.

shinji72 wrote: I feel Arthmoor, Kris Takahashi, Elianora and Chesko are either very popular and still active in the community.
As a personal suggestion, please consider CEO. His OSA Ascendancy Engine really has a lot of potential. At the moment is mostly exploited for adult content, but can grow to become a huge Skyrim modding asset.
Toft wrote: > "... Arthmoor, Kris Takahashi, Elianora and Chesko ..."


Also Gopher, but that goes without saying (even though I "say" it above).
CatEira wrote: I second this ;)
HeavyDude wrote: Also kryptopyr.

I bumped this comment as it was one of the last ones, I think that speaks for itself. Because I don't think they would ever want to interview someone who made an adult mod.

OSA is by far one of the most innovating frameworks which should migrate to the remaster if it wants to be the core pillar of other well defined mods, but that will take it's time since the SKSE team needs to catch up and decide to ditch that joke of a game called Fallout 4. Edited by Guest
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