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Listen, dudes. I'm as excited about this as the next guy, I check back to the site twice a day in anticipation, I seriously can't wait until SKSE64 drops. But rushing something/someone is never healthy, intentionally or not. It will be released when it's done. It will be released when the team is ready. You have to be patient and give it time, posts asking about where it is won't make it come any faster. Find other things to do or other games to play in the mean time, I know I am.


Also, to the users being (arguably) toxic to everyone who keeps asking, understand where they're coming from, they're ecstatic about something and want to convey their support in a way they think will be productive and positive, in this case asking for an update or status. They just want to voice that they're very interested and can't wait for the day SKSE64 comes out. Have a little restraint with the answers, guys. We're a community and we're all stoked for this.


I dunno, just my two cents. Maybe we all just need to settle down a little, haha.

Edited by XaAaX Xocoatl
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To the impatient ones who think it's taking too long, I have a suggestion: TRY MAKING YOUR OWN VERSION OF SKSE IF YOU CAN'T WAIT and see how easy it is.

I pop in every once n awhile to check development on this, but this kind of response I see all too often around any sort of development project. There's so much wrong with what your saying its kinda like comparing apples vs oranges. For example. Your trying to convey the hardship of such a task and telling others they would also have a difficult time doing so ONLY because you darn well know they're not experienced enough to do such a thing so one should be humble and wait.. True, but on the other hand the SKSE team -isn't- inexperienced they're very capable of doing such things so it isn't fair to tell someone else to sit back shut up and wait OR go do it themselves. With such a project I'm almost positive most of the community would feel much more at ease if there was communication at least lol. I'm extremely patient, but would also love to see something more recent than a post made back in December.. We were told mid march; AWESOME. Lets hope, if not okay things happen and time frames change no biggy. Simply let us know ;)

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To the impatient ones who think it's taking too long, I have a suggestion: TRY MAKING YOUR OWN VERSION OF SKSE IF YOU CAN'T WAIT and see how easy it is.

I did it only took me 3 weeks.


Of course you did.

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To Meph7447; Chill man, My comments were really because I get tired of people complaining about mods "and can it do this and why can't it do that, and why does it take so long and can you make an armor version without the armor" etc... People are always demanding things and I think they should try to make their own mod if they can instead of whining. Like I mentioned before just look at all the great mods that people are making, working around not having SKSE. They are talented too. And if it's taking a long time for the SKSE team it can't be easy. Just check out their latest post.

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IF someone has made an alternate version of SKSE, Can they put it on the Nexus, I don't believe the SKSE team has an exclusive on this.

I don't think anyone did that, or that the team allows forks of their work.

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