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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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If there are no takers on the female Human Noble romancing Alistair, I will definitely do that one. I've been wanting to play that origin again, and now that I'm on summer break, I'll have more time.


Congrats on releasing the fixpack! I'm looking forward to installing it and seeing how my game runs with just that mod installed!

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You can be queen as dalish elf also. I have to mention that performance is better with Qwinn's fixpack. I use very old computer, and I have almost no slowdowns comparing to before when I used several mods.


I think I managed to be sole ruler as female dalish elf, but it was years ago, so I could be wrong. I haven't used any mods, except bugfixes... I completed dalish elf story with no problems whatsoever, so kudos to you Qwinn.

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Cool. I'm looking forward to your trying Ostagar - in particular, let me know how well Alistair giving warning of the impending stealthed darkspawn attacks in the Korcari Wilds plays out. I spent a TON of time on that trying to get it just right, and it always bugged the hell out of me that he makes a huge deal of the "darkspawn sense" meaning you won't be surprised, at which point you are then repeatedly surprised. You had ONE JOB, Alistair! Now he can do it.


"I think I managed to be sole ruler as female dalish elf,"


SOLE ruler? Absolutely not possible for any player to become sole ruler, not even human nobles. Either Alistair or Anora has to be on the throne. I don't even know how that could be modded - who would give the speeches?


And thanks, mckatsims! I hope you enjoy it.

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Then I am wrong, as I said it was years ago (2011.). This Alistair "darkspawn sense", I am not ok with it. It sounds more like a tweak, not bugfix. I think you should remove it altogether. I know you've spent much time on it, but id just doesn't feel right. What does detecting hidden rogues have to do with Alistair (it doesn't matter if they are darkspawn). Just a thought...

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The darkspawn warnings are *definitely* not a tweak. It may even count as a bugfix rather than a restoration. Every bit of the code was already there, the triggers for it existed, the dialogue lines for it are all original, and the dialogue you could hear in the vanilla game all indicate it should happen, the only thing missing was the triggers being placed in the area file (a good working placement for which was NOT a simple task, they might have just given up trying to place them properly).


And I'm not sure what you mean by "it doesn't matter if they are darkspawn". It absolutely does. The taint makes Grey Wardens capable of sensing darkspawn, stealthed or not. He says exactly as much when Jory gets all scared after you find the guy dragging himself across the Wilds.

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Ok cool. If anyone else beats Shades to that part, please let me know what you think. It was quite tricky to get the triggers placed so that they coincide as close as possible to the darkspawn stealth attacks being triggered (and two of them overlap, which was really tough), and I want to know if those match up properly for everyone.


And just for the record, I don't add any new content to the game at all. If something looks new, the content was almost completely there already in the game files, just inaccessible or non-functional. "If the code was there then fine" is applicable to anything on the list, and the reason several things are *not* on the list (Slim Couldry's store and the Kaddis merchant, for example) are because while there were hints that it was intended at some point, there simply wasn't enough there for me to consider the content intended in the long run. I *hate* having to come up with arbitrary stuff to make something work, and only do so in the most egregious situations (like adding Oghren approval here and there, or the upgraded Orzammar rewards). Just ask if you have doubts about anything else, I really don't mind backing up my reasoning for any change I've made, and it's entirely possible I made a bad call in that regard somewhere, but if anything I think I tend toward excessive caution.

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RE: Improved Atmosphere:


  • Tweaked Eamon's dialog to flow more naturally. For example, he will no longer be about to end the conversation only to continue with a line that is totally out of place. Now it will end for real. Additionally, some PC responses will no longer disappear if you ask the "wrong" questions first. This is actually a bug fix, since these responses should in fact be available until you clearly state that you would like to move forward. (New in v2.0.)

Gave it another 45 minutes of looking at the dialogue file. Still cannot figure out what part of Eamon's dialogue is being referred to here. I can't find any "about to end the conversation" that doesn't, and I'm not really spotting any disappearing options either. If it's out there, it doesn't seem to be in Eamon's own dialogue file, or I'm just too sick atm to find it.

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