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Who's your favorite Skyrim npc?


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Haven't seen this type of thread yet so I decided I'd make one. Curious who you guys like as far as NPCs go, whether it be because they're funny, badass, or both.


Personally my favorite is either Parthonaax or Brynjolf. I just like the way Parthonaax talks, he's just this super chill wise old dragon. Whereas Brynjolf is just...Brynjolf.


What about the rest of you?

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The courier hands down. Anyone who fearlessly delivers me a message unarmed while I'm slaughtering towns folk deserves my MVP.


Ha ha, i love this one..... mostly because i keep killing the random couriers for extra missions (totally love that you can do that). Unfortunately the ones who deliver messages directly to you seem to be unkillable :)


Favorite character is definately Senna from the temple of Dibella in Markarth, for obvious reasons, and parthurnax.

Edited by mabus4444
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