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Too Many Vampires


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With the amount of Vampires in Skyrim there would be no towns living at all.


WHere would I go about altering both the abundance of vampire spawns in the game and how easily they are dispatched?

Vampires should need fire or silver to destroy them or some such similar undead spell.

They should also not be around like bandits as like I said with that many vampires the entire Skyrim world would be a legion of undead.


any help where I find the level lists for this and the damage effect needed or resists of these type of enemies?


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  • 2 weeks later...

i think that it is too few vampires. it is just a cuple of dens with 1 - 10 vamps in it and then when they are killed they do not come back....


Dungeons and stuff that you have cleared will respawn after 30 in-game days. So the vampires will be back -- including at least one named one, which is silly. It just takes a while.

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I agree. In every other game I play, vampires are a true challenge, something that can easily kill you.... or worse. In my opinion, yes, there should be 'SIRED BY VAMPIRES'! Things with very minor vampiric powers, and the actual vampires be bosses. (Sired-bys could be basically vampire thralls)


In short, good job coming to some sense here.

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