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Future Middle Earth Movies


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I know this isn't exactly memod, but there kind of related.


Basicaclly, after seeing RotK I felt depressed that there weren't anymore movies to look forward to. Now that it has been such a box office hit, what do you guys think could also be eventually made into a movie. I was mainly thinking the Hobbit would be their next step, but a Sil movie would be amazing.


Any input...

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Yes Bilbe a story of an Hobbit would be good as a movie. I felt sorry for sam when I saw at ROTK frodo sail away to the land of the elves. But silamrillion would be good to because there would be quite nice to se the whole story before the ring in a movie or what do you think?
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I have heard from various sources (the news, websites etc. etc.) that Peter Jackson may be making The Hobbit, as a movie. It seemed as if it was definately going to happen too.... So guess I can look forward to that! :D That would be cool to see Sil though....
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Yeah, we also had this discussion in another forum and most of the people their thought that it would be unrealistic to think that someone made the Sil. But perhaps parts of it (Narn I hin Hurin! My favorite story in the Sil). And also the hobbit would be great.
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The fall of Numenor (akallebeth or whatever its called) would be an interesting thing to include..


Although, I dont think non LotR junkies would be too interested. I mean the only reason the movies did so well is because it appealed to people who have and havent read LotR..... Sil was an excellent book but i fear that people who arent too into the history of middle earth would find it dreadfully boring. Oh well.. I'd love it :D

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