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Can't Seem To Start A New Game.


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I can't seem to start a new game of Fallout 4. I know that I used to as I've been able to switch back to one of my earlier characters and play. Someone had suggested this Quickstart Savegame (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/467/?) which doesn't seem to work for me as many of the character creation functions are just not there. Another suggestion was to disable all of your mods. I did that and the game then refused to even open until I re-enabled them. I didn't go so far as to uninstall all of them, though.


Does anyone else have any ideas on how I might start a new playthrough on Bethesda's Frankenstein of a game? Any help would be very much appreciated, I assure you.



The Rabbit

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Have you verified cache? Sometimes completely uninstalling a mod is required.


When I had this problem it turned out to be a UI mod. So maybe try uninstalling those first.

Thank you, 2much. That apparently was what it needed. It seems to have reset a few things, but overall no harm done.


And thank you, Vormina. An uninstall is definitely the last act of a dying game only to be used when all else has failed. I wasn't looking forward to that prospect. I'm clear now, thank you.



The Rabbit

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