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Maybe you really were the chosen one?


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Let me think...


The Mythic Dawn have no problem at all killing the emperor and his sons, but when you, a lonely prisoner with no skills is handed the Amulet Of Kings, these people suddenly go all derpy and are unable to take it from you. But when you give it to Jauffre, the old badass grandpa Grandmaster of the Blades, they take it with no effort. The sheer fact that you, a weak nobody, go unchallenged seems to indicate something.


Joining the Fighters Guild sets off a chain of events that takes out the evil Blackwood Company and restores a broken honor guild to its proper glory.


You seem to be the only one who can close Oblivion gates. Sure, they sometimes mention Bruma guards closing gates once you show them how, but you never really see this in action. I can live with the compressed land space probably hiding all the closed gates though. Even then, you close the first one you enter and have to show others how.


Frankly, you seem to be the only one in all Cyrodiil who can do much anything. Stop the Mythic Dawn, challenge Mehrunes Dagon, gain the favor of all the other Daedric princes, help everyone in need...


But what about all the bad things you can do too? Well then...


The Dark Brotherhood. Your involvement sets off a chain of events that wipes out a large chunk of the group, weakening the mighty band of killers into a shell of themselves.


Thieves Guild. You save the Gray Fox from his curse and weaken the power of the cowl.


Shivering Isles. Beyond breaking Jyggalag of his curse, maybe the Nine thought having you as the new Sheogorath would be a lot safer than letting the old one keep his job? I can think of no other reason they'd let their chosen hero become a Daedric prince. Not that the Nine really seem too involved over what anyone does but still, you are also the only one even capable of doing what Sheogorath wants. Everyone else who tried ended up crazy or dead.

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You also seem to be totally immune to skooma addiction, like, the only person in Tamriel who can drink multiple bottles of skooma and not feel any ill effects beyond a few seconds. Not sure if that's intentional divine intervention or lazy coding though.
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  • 3 weeks later...

You also seem to be totally immune to skooma addiction, like, the only person in Tamriel who can drink multiple bottles of skooma and not feel any ill effects beyond a few seconds. Not sure if that's intentional divine intervention or lazy coding though.

You do get permanent intelligence damage from drinking skooma, unless you heal with holy/unholy water.

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