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User Friendly Mods for Morrowind?


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I bought Morrowind on sale a while ago but never got around to playing it because I’ve heard it lacks some of the user friendly features found on more recent games such as fast travel, critical characters that cannot be killed, etc. Are there any mods that update the game to have some of the user friendly features found on more recent games?

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Just a little additional info for the OP: Though you are prompted to load a save, you don't have to, and the message says that you're also free to continue in the "doomed world you've created". At any rate, if the reason for wanting unkillable characters is that you're worried about getting hours into the game only to find that you killed someone important, the message prevents that, while still allowing the freedom to do so if you want.

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  • 3 months later...

morrowind is way easier than oblivion

in morrowind there is fast travel either with spells like jumping, divien interuption, mark and recall, or transport services

and you can kill every character in the game unlike oblivion and skyrim

and you can get daedric weapens at level 1


oblvion is way harder because of the leveling and balancing

and what armor shows up when and at what level


you should just play vanilla morrowind without modding it for the classic experince

because its way better in that it is not causal and generic like new games.

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