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dirty army fatigues.


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I have messed up there textures. I have a big red triangle over them. I search my data folder i can find army fatigues but not the dirty ones. I can't seem to find the mod that has the textures to fix it.


I am using 2pacs skimpy mod. I am sure it is the culprit. I have something installed wrong but i re installed it with no luck. ran all things thru bodyslide also. Like i said no dirty army fatigues in my data files.

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Dirty army Fatigues are just army fatigues with a "Post War" material swap applied. You will never find a Dirty Army Fatigues mesh, this doesn't sound like a validation issue because the model for them will still be packed into the BA2 archive. It sounds more like you have a mod that edits them and points to a new mesh that is missing from your game.

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