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Skyrim is crap


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Skyrim is one of those cases... every single part of it sucks, but when they are put together, it's pretty epic for no apparent reason.

That is if you can live with large number of bugs and technical difficulties. But we all knew they will be there.


I'm sure someone will like to hit me with a brick again, but there are no games like Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale and Planetscape anymore. Everything went to hell a bit. Or actually, everything improved, if you are "cool person" and hate reading, story and such. If you want to keep close, you want to aim for Neverwinter series. Perhaps Dragon Age: Origins (Note, Dragon Age 1, not DA 2, that's just not "it").

I comepletely agree, this is the exact feeling i have of skyrim and pretty much of all bethesda games...overall their games are good, you can get lost in them for hours and hours, but once you start to pay attention to the details, wich will happen after a time, you see the parts are poorly done.


I love to RP and immerse myself into a game, but with skyrim i just couldnt...i did played it a lot, but the more i played it, the more i felt disconnected with it...and finally after coming to the bards college, eagerly waiting that im going to be a bard, you know playing those instruments and stuff, the only thing i got was some quest and learn speech...that was basicaly the last straw, after that i didnt played.


Now im just waiting for the ck to repeat the same as with oblivion, tons of mods in order to be interested and i havent even finished the main quest. :wallbash:


I guess I understand and even agree to a point. I just look at Steam and see 216 hours played and it trumps any game I have played in a long time. The Civ series was always my favorite since Civ 2 but Civ 5 is crap (129 hrs) compared to the others. Civ 2 is way better and 4 is the best. I can't even imagine the hours I put into Civ 2,3 and 4.

Yeah i spent countless hours playing tes games thanks to mods...but i think also one of the reasons i cant get into skyrim is the oblivion deja vu i feel..i was kinda waiting for a new approach from them after so many years.

I cant say that there arent new things done, but the overall feel reminds me a lot of oblivion.


I comepletely agree, this is the exact feeling i have of skyrim and pretty much of all bethesda games...overall their games are good, you can get lost in them for hours and hours, but once you start to pay attention to the details, wich will happen after a time, you see the parts are poorly done.


I love to RP and immerse myself into a game, but with skyrim i just couldnt...i did played it a lot, but the more i played it, the more i felt disconnected with it...and finally after coming to the bards college, eagerly waiting that im going to be a bard, you know playing those instruments and stuff, the only thing i got was some quest and learn speech...that was basicaly the last straw, after that i didnt played.


Now im just waiting for the ck to repeat the same as with oblivion, tons of mods in order to be interested and i havent even finished the main quest. :wallbash:

Yeah, once you start to think about it too much, it all breaks. But the details hurt, so many things that could've been so much better with little to no effort while it was in development. It actually looks like some parts were added just to remind you "It's just a game, don't try to get sucked in too much", can't shake that feeling.


From that point of view, I think the best game Beth made (in recent history) is Fallout 3. It's a bit of a combo breaker, when compared to other Fallouts, but still. Found it to be easy to get completly lost there, when noone kept telling you you're a sneak thief after you saved their life 15 times over.

Yeah exactly as you said, some things could be done really without effort...i just wasnt able to tell wth is wrong, til you nailed it for me..this

"It's just a game, don't try to get sucked in too much" .


And yeah fallout3 was in my opinion also their best...still remember good ol' quest with the bomb...you had a choice!...where did that go? :wallbash:

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How many times did you see some random dude fall out of the sky or someone chilling in the river in underwear cause they were tricked into doing it in Skyrim?


Mammoths fall out of the sky all the time. And the couriers are almost always naked. Why are you complaining? XD


I think necked is the word you are looking for.

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btw for those saying there is nothing like Baldurs Gate or IWD, try the original Dragon Age with its seven free expansions (free now anyway if you buy the ultimate edition or whatever). That was the best RPG experience ever. And on the PC it was 10x better b/c you could zoom out just like in the old days.
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Well, I would have pointed you to New Vegas for a game that got much right in the past few years, but you stated you didn't care for it. Everyone is free to their own opinion, though I personally felt that Obsidian got the immersion and ability for the player's choices to affect the world and be recognized right. Fallout 3 was decent (though hard to deny it was simply the FO1/2 stories mashed together and dropped onto the East Coast with no explanation for why after 200 years there was still no real attempt to rebuild society). Beyond that, there were Dragon Age Origins (don't touch DA2 if you value anything resembling choice in your RPGs), both Witcher games, or going back a little bit further - the truly immersive, though almost totally stat-free STALKER series.


The biggest problem I have encountered with Skyrim, putting all technical issues aside, is that the game simply does not grip me and make me want to keep pushing onward through the game to the end. I have made so many different characters to try to get into the right groove and began all the quest lines to various degrees (not finishing all, but getting fairly far along at least), and it feels more like it's trying to be a MMO grind with minimal story interaction rather than a story that truly involves me as the player character. Amusingly I found DAO to be the total opposite - too much storytime, not enough actual game, but that's another discussion. In Skyrim, few of my decisions have any lasting impact on groups of people in the world beyond "well these guys are dead" or "oh look the guards changed here", and I have yet to encounter ANY factional quest line that makes me feel as though I actually earned a leadership role, or even a high rank within them. It did help me affirm that I will never hire on any of the existing groups to work in Human Resources and handle hiring/promotions, though. :turned:

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Reading all the posts about people hating on Skyrim bums me out a bit. I feel like that one person waiting for EB Games to open so she could get the new Professor Layton game on its release day. :ohdear: I thoroughly enjoy Skyrim - more than I did Oblivion for sure. (Compared to Morrowind...meeeeh, too early just yet, let me play it some more and get back to you on that.)


Skyrim does have a lot of bugs and problems, don't get me wrong. Lots of things could be improved without question, hence why I got it on PC :) . But one of the things that draws me to it every day is the atmosphere. I soak it up like a sponge...


It's hard to explain. It's like trying to tell someone why I freaking love Shadow Gate 64 so much. There's no real explanation that cannot be questioned, but that might be the best part about it. Everyone is free to play it or not. Just because a game isn't to their taste does not mean that there are not others waiting for them. :3 I guess it all boils down to what you want out of it and what it offers you. Games are meant to be fun. If it's not fun for you, then look for the one that is.


(As far as RPGs go that aren't Elder Scrolls, FF12 is the only other one that I've racked up the most hours in. Oldest save file is 180 hours, hehehe. But that's for PS2, the only other PC game I get occasionally addicted to is Sim City 4...but that's not really an RPG hehehe... :confused: )

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I think there is a bit of a misunderstanding among some people - while there is a lot of criticism going around, there aren't really that many of us who truly hate the game. We just came in, having played the previous titles and expected a certain level of game experience based on what Bethesda put out in the past as well as put out with their alternate titles (FO series), then found ourselves seriously disappointed with what we were given. I made a few of the points about what I found lacking in the game to a RL friend and he stated "Well, hopefully DLC will fix it"... which is the heart of the problem. Gamers in general have been fed this "DLC solution" repeatedly over the past few years, and when the expectation is that everything can be fixed later, just by paying a few bucks more (or 10 or 15), there is something inherently wrong with the direction game development is taking.


All that said, despite not having any of the quest lines grip me and make me want to do more, I am finding the "just get out and explore, finding one-off quests" to be a much better experience than in some previous titles. While I do find many things lacking or missing, I still have clocked 235 hours of gameplay. Nowhere near the 700+ I got out of New Vegas, but still better than most of the more linear RPGs out recently.

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Skyrim neither sucks nor is it crap.


That said, it is a step backwards by Bethesda's standards. At least where it matters to me. As has been said, they produced/published the Fallout series. Totally different settings, but the choices you made there mattered. NPC interactions were more meaningful and the NPC population had more character. They also took note of what you did, be it good or evil and both choices opened doors that stayed closed to others.

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Oh, I got nothing against people not liking Skyrim.

However, I will shoot arrows to their knees if they DARE mentioning Morrowind. We all KNEW this was not a remake of Morrowind, so why do people exect that? .. Morrowind is still here.

It's also funny that its the same people who worship Morrowind that says graphic isn't everything. So why the heck play another game and expect it to be something you knew it was not?

Some people confuse me.


There are bugs, and we all knew that would happen. However, the game was good in tons of ways. Newsflash: New generation of gamers don't care too much about RPing. Heck, I know of nobody that is at the age of 10-15 that have heard of the term. I myself never RPed, and never will. There is a reason I didn't like Morrowind and me having to read through tons of text to figure out where that damn cave was.

Games change. Skyrim changed. It needs to be fixed up, but the core is perfect for me -- and my opinion means as little as any of yours.

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If I see another "Skyrim sucks" topic, I'm going to hunt down whoever started it and kill them slowly. Seriously, if the game is soooooo horrible, don't play it. Simple. There is no need to go to a forum and post stuff about it.


like how you ignore your sig to say something any tyrant would...there's a word for that...


Handofbane pretty much said it, i don't hate it...it could have been more, 5 years in development (they claim) new engine (they claimed) new qc procedure that was supposed to make it nearly bug free (it failed) main storyline and guild quests pretty shallow and simplistic, hyped radiant AI which can be dumber than a box of rocks, the list is nearly endless of things that could have been done better, and are being done better by modders...so why didn't bethesda do it in the first place?


you walk around skyrim...start getting into it...then unless you're completely oblivious something breaks that immersion. frustrating...why didn't beth do it right? what will it take to get beth to do it right the first time? it's almost like they have a chart somewhere of 'acceptable amount of bugs, glitches, or broken quests. with another chart of how much they can expect modders to fix so they don't have to worry about it. if beth made cars or pc's...would anyone actually buy them? O.o

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