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can resurrection of NPCs cause issues?


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It happens that NPCs die. This happens especially often if you use mods with random encounters which spawn hostile NPCs in the middle of cities or if you use mods which create new spawn points at the same location where another mod places a new town.

The problem is that if to many NPCs die the world might become emptier than you want it to be. It can also break quests if the wrong NPC dies.

I can see two solutions to fix this problem:

1: go through all NPCs in the main game and in all of your mods in some editor and give them the Respawn tag. The problem with this solution though is not just the sheer amount of NPCs that you have to go through but also that you can't know what roles the NPCs have in the game, maybe they are supposed to die at one point?

2: install AoG which gives you a list of every dead NPC in the game and their FormID. This way you can bring back the dead NPCs in the console with the resurrect command.

I think 2 is a good solution to the problem. But I wonder if the resurrect command is really safe to use? Will a resurrected NPC act as he is supposed to, or will his AI (or other things) be forever broken?

Edited by Grogrokl
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I use Safe Traveling NPC which works as advertised but won't help your in-city problem (i.e. any NPCs in cities that don't have a travel package that takes them out on the roads of Tamriel will still not be essential).


Most non-quest related NPCs can be resurrected without issues (though they may not immediately resume their "life" until their next AI package change), the problem will be finding them before their bodies disappear on cell reset wherever they died. Your AoG mod will come in handy for that problem.

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I use Safe Traveling NPC which works as advertised but won't help your in-city problem (i.e. any NPCs in cities that don't have a travel package that takes them out on the roads of Tamriel will still not be essential).


Most non-quest related NPCs can be resurrected without issues (though they may not immediately resume their "life" until their next AI package change), the problem will be finding them before their bodies disappear on cell reset wherever they died. Your AoG mod will come in handy for that problem.

Spawning hostile NPCs in cities is incredibly risky, even Bethesda limits these spawns to a tiny handful in the vanilla game. When all NPCs are going about their scheduled routines you take what you get.


Also the EvaluatePackage (<NPCRef>.evp) script command can be used to force a reset of an NPC's AI, instead of waiting until the next scheduled package change.

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