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Why Trump Won


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What has happened in this election has been truly amazing. Hillary Clinton had one of the best political machines the United States has ever seen (maybe ever) , she had the estabilshment from all sides on her side , even Dick Cheney and the Koch bros were saying they were gonna vote for her. Yet Trump with virtually no political ground game (people working to get out the vote for him) wins , which means those people who voted for him had to get up off their arses on their own and go out and vote for him , he doubled the hispanic vote he was projected to get , he beat the projections with the black vote and with women they were off by somewhere between 20 - 30 points , its stunning what has happened.


My point is this , we have seen because of the email leaks , that they cheated Bernie Sanders in the primary , Donna Brazille was leaking questions for debates to Hillary (CNN fired her), Debbie Wasserman Schultz was working even before any campaigning had begun to make sure Hillary won (forced to step down as DNC chair) , John Podesta was caught colluding with Priorities USA a super-pac (which is illegal) and so much more and people even on the Dem side said enough , too many establishment types , be they media or political operatives are lying to people and even though Trump is buffonish enough thought he is lying less and he is not one of them (establishment). Thats why he won.


So congrats to those who wanted him to win.


Disclaimer: I'm Canadian but if I could've voted it would of been for Bernie , but even I would of voted for Trump over Hillary.




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Anyone including you or I could and would have done as well against Hillary. The DNC knew exactly how weak of a candidate she was, because of Obama coming out of nowhere to win the last primary. They ran her anyway this time, and this was the inevitable result. Hillary had the highest negatives of any political candidate regardless of party, except Trump (ironically).


IMO his election will eventually if not immediately toss what little remains of our bankrupt and close to completely dysfunctional federal government into perpetual chaos, but by all accounts (and judging from her non-performance as Sec. of State for four years), a Hillary win would have certainly meant four or eight years of relentless personal attack from the R's, with zero progress on our national problems, and a do-nothing president who simply sits around waiting for our current de facto bankruptcy to be made official. Unless the China problem is fixed and integrity restored to the global free market, which is currently half enslaved and half free thanks to Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, nothing else matters. If the feds go belly up all federal laws are out the window, I encourage readers to review the 1992 footage of Russian tanks shelling the offices of the former USSR when it collapsed.


Our two-party cartel keeps itself in power primarily by making sure as close to half of us as possible are yelling and pointing fingers at the other half, and can we please set our watches to see how many hours it will take for the power of the office of president to go to Trump's already gargantuan head. God help us and the world imo.


Meanwhile the people of my state (CA) voted to legalize recreational use of cannabis, and claimed Department of Justice "authorization" is now required to buy ammunition for guns. It really is like watching a rerun of a Third Reich movie.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Why Trump won? Hmm... Let's see... Because he has a HUGE mouth and knows how to use it to the fullest extent. Simply put, he's a snake oil salesman. Hillary was a HUGE mess to begin with. Stemming from her association with certain people when she was younger. The murders committed. Yeah. Not a fan.

I'm NOT a Liberal NOR a Conservative. I'm a Constitutionalist. I didn't vote for either of them. I also live in CA and this recreational usage passing, is going to backfire. Just wait and see. Just because it passed statewide, doesn't mean squat. The feds don't care. They will prosecute federally. The federal gov will not fail under the new pres. If anything, he will organize it and run it as a corporation.

Anyway, I've said my bit on this.

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Why Trump won? Hmm... Let's see...


I'm NOT a Liberal NOR a Conservative. I'm a Constitutionalist. I didn't vote for either of them.


He won because most people sat on their behinds election day.


Hillary was a HUGE mess to begin with. Stemming from her association with certain people when she was younger. The murders committed. Yeah. Not a fan.


Who told you that, Donald Trump, the National Enquirer, random internet loon number 4?


Humans are dumb-asses and it will be the end of our species, at this rate sooner rather than later.

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Why Trump won? Hmm... Let's see...


I'm NOT a Liberal NOR a Conservative. I'm a Constitutionalist. I didn't vote for either of them.


He won because most people sat on their behinds election day.


Hillary was a HUGE mess to begin with. Stemming from her association with certain people when she was younger. The murders committed. Yeah. Not a fan.


Who told you that, Donald Trump, the National Enquirer, random internet loon number 4?


Humans are dumb-asses and it will be the end of our species, at this rate sooner rather than later.


Hmm... You must be a Hillary supporter. Believe as you wish. Let's say she wasn't a murder. She was STILL associated with terrorists when she was younger. I LOATHE big mouth Trump. He's an asshat. Plain and simple. But, Hillary is just as bad. Both are wrong as the president. Bernie Sanders called it in the beginning also. So, go argue with him about it.

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Why Trump won? Hmm... Let's see...


I'm NOT a Liberal NOR a Conservative. I'm a Constitutionalist. I didn't vote for either of them.


He won because most people sat on their behinds election day.


Hillary was a HUGE mess to begin with. Stemming from her association with certain people when she was younger. The murders committed. Yeah. Not a fan.


Who told you that, Donald Trump, the National Enquirer, random internet loon number 4?


Humans are dumb-asses and it will be the end of our species, at this rate sooner rather than later.


Hmm... You must be a Hillary supporter. Believe as you wish. Let's say she wasn't a murder. She was STILL associated with terrorists when she was younger. I LOATHE big mouth Trump. He's an asshat. Plain and simple. But, Hillary is just as bad. Both are wrong as the president. Bernie Sanders called it in the beginning also. So, go argue with him about it.



Edited by Darthsith
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I voted. But not for either of them. Did YOU vote? Oh. Right. You either sat on your ass or you voted for Hillary. It's all good though. Everyone has their opinion, just like everyone has an ass. Voting Hillary or Trump, makes people an ass. Oh. Wait. If you voted for Trump, does that make you an elephant? Heh!!

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On cannabis legalization, we're already way ahead in our state on job creation and revenue, just from our existing medical cannabis laws. At this point even many police departments and governors around the country (as opposed to federal DEA teetsuckers) are supporting it. It's saving them (us) huge amounts of utterly pointless time and energy in trying to micromanage peoples' recreational cannabis use. It's never worked, cannot work and will never work. The government's jobs in this matter are education and research, not dictation. Or else Constitutionalists will need to point out where in that document our federal government is given the authority to dictate what kinds of foods and drugs the people are allowed to have. The feds hang their authority for this stupidity off our interstate commerce clause and nothing else, because nothing else remotely gives them these powers. Our current Supreme Court has gone as far as claiming that cannabis that is planted, raised, harvested, sold and consumed in a single state qualifies for regulation under this clause. Like hell it does.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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On cannabis legalization, we're already way ahead in our state on job creation and revenue, just from our existing medical cannabis laws. At this point even many police departments and governors around the country (as opposed to federal DEA teetsuckers) now support it. It's saving them (us) huge amounts of utterly pointless time and energy in trying to micromanage peoples' recreational drug use. It's never worked, cannot work and will never work. The government's jobs in this matter are education and research, not dictation. Or else Constitutionalists will need to point out where in that document our federal government is given the authority to dictate what kinds of foods and drugs the people are allowed to have. The feds hang their authority for this stupidity off our interstate commerce clause and nothing else, because nothing else remotely gives them these powers.

I didn't say that it shouldn't be allowed. But, people will be people. They will abuse the system. They always have and always will. Just like people pissing on themselves because someone has a different of opinion then they have.(this isn't pointed at you in anyway) I believe that medicinal use of things like pot is acceptable. I do have my pot card. But, come on. Recreational use? Really? It's going to get abused. Especially by the teenagers.

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