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Why Trump Won


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Trump's position on China indicates he's a tool of the multinationals imo, like all the rest. Tariffs not only won't and can't work against a country that dictates the value of their own currency, this simple fact is self-evident to any nine year-old, yet Trump continues pushing for them as a solution. So welcome to 40% higher prices overnight on most everything, while China simply adjusts their currency to account for the tariffs and absolutely nothing is accomplished except to raise prices for everyone. Tariffs are a smoke and mirrors solution, to avoid dealing with the actual cause of our China problem, namely OUR OWN obscene labor and trade policies which pretend it's possible to establish free and fair economic and trade ties with enslaved countries and Communist regimes, and reward our corporations for exporting our jobs to these countries. They've done so since Nixon.


Sorry to harp about a single topic but imo if we don't fix our China problem nothing else matters. It's entirely possible nobody remains in America who cares that they're selling the futures of their grandkids and great-grandkids down the debt river, every time they see a made in China label.

Well, lets see, if producing products in china, makes them more expensive than producing them here at home, then perhaps those companies will be motivated to bring those production jobs back to the states, where they will actually make more profit, and the folks they want to sell their products to will have jobs, so they can actually afford said products.

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The confusion and often irrationality produced by such events is beneficial to the establishment, which is still very much established. The house always wins and the rest is just smoke and mirrors.


The phrases 'be careful what you wish for' and 'the truth will hurt' also spring to mind. As much as there may be opportunities, those windows will close just a quickly as they seemingly appeared. Speaking of which is the influence of mass media... and specifically on the topic of a wall, you don't necessarily need concrete to divide and alienate people.

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Trump's position on China indicates he's a tool of the multinationals imo, like all the rest. Tariffs not only won't and can't work against a country that dictates the value of their own currency, this simple fact is self-evident to any nine year-old, yet Trump continues pushing for them as a solution. So welcome to 40% higher prices overnight on most everything, while China simply adjusts their currency to account for the tariffs and absolutely nothing is accomplished except to raise prices for everyone. Tariffs are a smoke and mirrors solution, to avoid dealing with the actual cause of our China problem, namely OUR OWN obscene labor and trade policies which pretend it's possible to establish free and fair economic and trade ties with enslaved countries and Communist regimes, and reward our corporations for exporting our jobs to these countries. They've done so since Nixon.


Sorry to harp about a single topic but imo if we don't fix our China problem nothing else matters. It's entirely possible nobody remains in America who cares that they're selling the futures of their grandkids and great-grandkids down the debt river, every time they see a made in China label.

Well, lets see, if producing products in china, makes them more expensive than producing them here at home, then perhaps those companies will be motivated to bring those production jobs back to the states, where they will actually make more profit, and the folks they want to sell their products to will have jobs, so they can actually afford said products.


Bingo. People first need to make money before any possibility exists of spending it. Billions of dollars have been spent since the mid-1980's (when a Democrat-controlled Congress tried to modify our corporate tax code to protect U.S. workers, this attempt was defeated due to Reagan's insistence and his popularity) expanding manufacturing infrastructure in China. Our former manufacturing sector didn't disappear, Nixon and every president since have simply turned a blind eye to its theft and relocation. The simple truth according to objective history is that America can compete with any country, given a common set of fundamental assumptions about business practices. Totalitarian Communist regimes wash their hands of close to all of these standards, everything from child labor laws and labor benefits to environmental requirements for industry. No possibility of competition exists, yet our feds force us to compete. See if anything Trump proposes deals with the actual problem.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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The director of the FBI, Jame Comey is the main reason Trump won. Not because of the announcement of he made a week before the general election ended about there being more emails to uncover, but because he purposely protected Clinton, so she'd win the primary. And he didn't do it as a favor to her either, he did it because he's a well known conservative and he knew Bernie would have beaten Trump hands down. He wanted his side to win, so he manipulated the election by letting her get away with putting our countries national security at risk. Other people have been charged under the espionage act for less and are rotting in prison. Seriously she said "the server was secure because the Secret Service were guarding the house." How negligent was that?


I'm not happy Trump won, but Hillary isn't any better, so I just voted my conscience. But in the end it doesn't matter. The people funding the DNC are the same people funding the RNC. The only thing I'm afraid of is this white nationalist mentality from the Alt Right and other groups trying to say that Trumps victory legitimizes their position to normalize discrimination against minorities.


I just hope that all Americans can stand together and say enough is enough and take the country back from the big money interests that Truman warned the people about in the 50's because they are stronger when we are let our difference segregate us.

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The director of the FBI, Jame Comey is the main reason Trump won. Not because of the announcement of he made a week before the general election ended about there being more emails to uncover, but because he purposely protected Clinton, so she'd win the primary. And he didn't do it as a favor to her either, he did it because he's a well known conservative and he knew Bernie would have beaten Trump hands down. He wanted his side to win, so he manipulated the election by letting her get away with putting our countries national security at risk. Other people have been charged under the espionage act for less and are rotting in prison. Seriously she said "the server was secure because the Secret Service were guarding the house." How negligent was that?


I'm not happy Trump won, but Hillary isn't any better, so I just voted my conscience. But in the end it doesn't matter. The people funding the DNC are the same people funding the RNC. The only thing I'm afraid of is this white nationalist mentality from the Alt Right and other groups trying to say that Trumps victory legitimizes their position to normalize discrimination against minorities.


I just hope that all Americans can stand together and say enough is enough and take the country back from the big money interests that Truman warned the people about in the 50's because they are stronger when we are let our difference segregate us.

Our country's problems will remain the longer we point fingers at each other, and the main reason I'm glad Hillary lost is to save our country from yet another four or eight years of your first paragraph. It's not a claim, it's objective history that the Republican Party with its current leadership is incapable of anything other than attack of their political opponents and obstruction of our political process. It's been true from Supreme Court nominations to the abominations our House has called budgets for the last 20+ years. Meanwhile the Democrats, even when they control both the White House and Congress, choose to do nothing at all. When Nancy Pelosi was asked why she didn't advance the DNC platform during her tenure as Speaker, she said she feared voter backlash. It sums up our situation perfectly imo, and what a scam it is. Our two actual choices are a do-nothing Democratic Congress and a multinational traitor Republican Congress. Happy elections, America.


The larger and underlying issue imo is this wholesale disenfranchisement of the people. The disconnect on many or even most issues, between the will of the people and what our federal government is doing, regardless of party, is much larger than the one that existed in the USSR at the time of its collapse. So imo wholesale collapse and replacement of our federal government and currency are inevitable, since neither party is willing to put an end to our economic bloodletting.


If I had to pick a single reason for Trump's victory, it certainly wouldn't be James Comey, it's that America is so desperate for change, we'll vote for literally anyone that represents even a possibility of change. Poll numbers back this claim up, I think the RNC knew they had carte blanche with this election the instant Hillary was nominated. It doesn't get any more establishment, so whoever they ran against her looked that much less establishment. All Trump or anyone else had to do is claim to represent change, and they were an automatic win imo.

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Our country's problems will remain the longer we point fingers at each other, and the main reason I'm glad Hillary lost is to save our country from yet another four or eight years of your first paragraph. It's not a claim, it's objective history that the Republican Party with its current leadership is incapable of anything other than attack of their political opponents and obstruction of our political process. It's been true from Supreme Court nominations to the abominations our House has called budgets for the last 20+ years. Meanwhile the Democrats, even when they control both the White House and Congress, choose to do nothing at all. When Nancy Pelosi was asked why she didn't advance the DNC platform during her tenure as Speaker, she said she feared voter backlash. It sums up our situation perfectly imo, and what a scam it is. Our two actual choices are a do-nothing Democratic Congress and a multinational traitor Republican Congress. Happy elections, America.


The larger and underlying issue imo is this wholesale disenfranchisement of the people. The disconnect on many or even most issues, between the will of the people and what our federal government is doing, regardless of party, is much larger than the one that existed in the USSR at the time of its collapse. So imo wholesale collapse and replacement of our federal government and currency are inevitable, since neither party is willing to put an end to our economic bloodletting.


If I had to pick a single reason for Trump's victory, it certainly wouldn't be James Comey, it's that America is so desperate for change, we'll vote for literally anyone that represents even a possibility of change. Poll numbers back this claim up, I think the RNC knew they had carte blanche with this election the instant Hillary was nominated. It doesn't get any more establishment, so whoever they ran against her looked that much less establishment. All Trump or anyone else had to do is claim to represent change, and they were an automatic win imo.



You're right, but you missed my point. Bernie Sanders should have won the Democratic primary and if he did he would have beat Trump in the general election. Clinton should have been indicted for mishandling classified information, but Comey said she didn't do anything wrong.

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I'm trying to understand the logic behind the theory. If Comey had the evidence to bring Clinton down politically, imo he simply would have presented it. Intentionally protecting her, just so she could stand to possibly win a general election is a far more indirect (and unknown, since it involves an election) path to the exact same supposed goal.


BTW Trump was elected by technicality, not by popular vote. Clinton won that by something like 2 million votes.

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BTW Trump was elected by technicality, not by popular vote. Clinton won that by something like 2 million votes.


No he didn't technically win , he won. It amazes me that people make this argument . Its like arguing well my team got more hits in a baseball game and thus should of won. No what counts is who crossed home plate. And it shows a complete lack of understanding as to why the electoral college exists. The idea behind the electoral college is to make sure that neither the rural nor urban come to dominate the political discourse of the US and to ensure that the smallest of states had at least some say in deciding the nations course. Thats why the US is a republic and not a democracy . The problem with pure democracy type states is that it always descends into a type of mob rule and the founding fathers wanted to avoid that.


The simplest way to understand this is to look at an electoral map of the US on a county by county level and you would see that the democratic wins are vastly city orientated . If you ran Presidential elections purely on a popular vote basis , eventually (its almost there now) you would create a system of city elites and country serfs. This would happen because over time both parties would be required to compete soley for city votes just to even have a chance to win. At that point small states like N Dakota , Vermont , etc could simply be ignored and states like California , New York , Texas , Florida and a few others would dominate everything and those cities within those type states would dominate even their own more rural areas to an even greater degree than they already do.

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I never claimed Trump didn't win, but it's also true that more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton in this election than Donald Trump.

And Trump isn't the first person to NOT win the popular vote, yet still win the election. This has happened several times in the past.

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