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Why Trump Won


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The fact is that Trump would be worth more today had he simply put his inherited fortune in a totally neutral investment like an index fund. So yes, he has just been playing around with what he inherited, at a net loss.


You need to disabuse yourself of the notion that Trump is a successful businessman. He's not. He's a loser, has been for decades. His entire life has just been him burning through the same stack of cash he got from daddy.



According to a chart on The Washington Post, a left leaning publication....... His net worth has been on a fairly steady rise since the last recession, and is worth more now, than he ever has been. (please note, there are several graphs, only one of which is 'what trump says'..)

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It is no doubt The Donald is wealthy, but only so far as Wall Street, The Crown, The Vatican, The Russians et al. will allow. He is likely a pawn as much as he is a 'self-made man of the people'. Hmmm... I dunno, I try convince myself that these guys (Farage, Trump, Le Pen et al.) are out there sticking it one for 'the little guy', but I have to admit I get my doubts.


It is all perhaps a distraction, while the pieces are still moving.

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According to a chart on The Washington Post... His net worth has been on a fairly steady rise since the last recession

Have you been listening to a word I said? If Trump had invested his inherited fortune in a neutral investment like an index fund, he'd have more money. He has underperformed the market. He is, by definition, a below-average businessman, and all his “deals” have been simple exchanges of money for entertainment and to feed his ego.


It is no doubt The Donald is wealthy, but only so far as Wall Street, The Crown, The Vatican, The Russians et al. will allow.

You forgot the Freemasons and the Bilderberg Group. Edited by Marxist ßastard
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According to a chart on The Washington Post... His net worth has been on a fairly steady rise since the last recession

Have you been listening to a word I said? If Trump had invested his inherited fortune in a neutral investment like an index fund, he'd have more money. He has underperformed the market. He is, by definition, a below-average businessman, and all his “deals” have been simple exchanges of money for entertainment and to feed his ego.


It is no doubt The Donald is wealthy, but only so far as Wall Street, The Crown, The Vatican, The Russians et al. will allow.

You forgot the Freemasons and the Bilderberg Group.


And so are 50% of ALL 'businessmen'. Remember, average is exactly that. The middle ground between good, and bad. Still and all, he is MAKING MONEY, not losing money, as you implied.

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It is no doubt The Donald is wealthy, but only so far as Wall Street, The Crown, The Vatican, The Russians et al. will allow. He is likely a pawn as much as he is a 'self-made man of the people'. Hmmm... I dunno, I try convince myself that these guys (Farage, Trump, Le Pen et al.) are out there sticking it one for 'the little guy', but I have to admit I get my doubts.


It is all perhaps a distraction, while the pieces are still moving.

It's beyond stupid imo to believe that anyone goes into politics for the public good. According to history public politics is the final refuge for people with egos too large to be contained by the private sector. It's been true at least since the Roman Empire and probably always has been. So can we please stop with the claims and delusions that some politicians are "in it for the little guy". Nobody is, and the sole difference between politicians is in the groups of special interests they represent.

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It is no doubt The Donald is wealthy, but only so far as Wall Street, The Crown, The Vatican, The Russians et al. will allow. He is likely a pawn as much as he is a 'self-made man of the people'. Hmmm... I dunno, I try convince myself that these guys (Farage, Trump, Le Pen et al.) are out there sticking it one for 'the little guy', but I have to admit I get my doubts.


It is all perhaps a distraction, while the pieces are still moving.

It's beyond stupid imo to believe that anyone goes into politics for the public good. According to history public politics is the final refuge for people with egos too large to be contained by the private sector. It's been true at least since the Roman Empire and probably always has been. So can we please stop with the claims and delusions that some politicians are "in it for the little guy". Nobody is, and the sole difference between politicians is in the groups of special interests they represent.


On that, I will most certainly agree with you. :D

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It is no doubt The Donald is wealthy, but only so far as Wall Street, The Crown, The Vatican, The Russians et al. will allow. He is likely a pawn as much as he is a 'self-made man of the people'. Hmmm... I dunno, I try convince myself that these guys (Farage, Trump, Le Pen et al.) are out there sticking it one for 'the little guy', but I have to admit I get my doubts.


It is all perhaps a distraction, while the pieces are still moving.

It's beyond stupid imo to believe that anyone goes into politics for the public good. According to history public politics is the final refuge for people with egos too large to be contained by the private sector. It's been true at least since the Roman Empire and probably always has been. So can we please stop with the claims and delusions that some politicians are "in it for the little guy". Nobody is, and the sole difference between politicians is in the groups of special interests they represent.

Just to reemphasise my intended sarcasm :wink:


I am equally cynical (which is perhaps just a weathered nervous reaction to uncertainty), but I do believe there are good people in all arenas, but unfortunately power does eventually corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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From his cabinet appointments so far, clearly the power is already going to his head even before he takes office. They indicate no regard whatsoever for his political opponents, or the fact he lost the popular vote in this election by a substantial amount (over two million). So imo the only remaining hope is an emergency constitutional amendment to abolish our Executive Branch altogether. :D It might sound impossible but it's happened in other countries and popular demand can make it happen in ours. Also imo we've been electing despots to lead our country, regardless of party since Nixon.


We're already hearing serious talk of secession by officials in my state (CA), we're a net provider to the feds so we'd be ahead economically on our own.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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From his cabinet appointments so far, clearly the power is already going to his head even before he takes office. They indicate no regard whatsoever for his political opponents, or the fact he lost the popular vote in this election by a substantial amount (over two million). So imo the only remaining hope is an emergency constitutional amendment to abolish our Executive Branch altogether. :D It might sound impossible but it's happened in other countries and popular demand can make it happen in ours. Also imo we've been electing despots to lead our country, regardless of party since Nixon.


We're already hearing serious talk of secessation by officials in my state (CA), we're a net provider to the feds so we'd be ahead economically on our own.

Don't hold your breath on secession. We hear that after every election from a handful of states from the 'other side' of the aisle....... Texas talks about it on a fairly regular basis. :)


I am going to withhold my opinion on how trump is as president, until he actually IS president. He may just surprise us. Wouldn't that be nice?

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Stop whining about the "popular vote". Damn Liberals. Always whining and sniveling. Like a child: "You have to play my way, or I'm taking my toys and going home!" Or my truly favorite: "I'm so pissed! I'm going to destroy everything around me and beat everyone's asses, because Trump won!" Hypocrites the lot of you. Hitlery lost. Period. And a corporate scumbag is taking office. Suck it up, Buttercup. We've all lost.

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