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Why Trump Won


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You either still don't get it, or you're doing the typical snarky millennial Jon Stewart 'gotcha' thing of focusing on one point like a lazer beam to catch someone out, but ignoring the main point.


Let me break it down for you again. After decades of rule by an establishment that has repeatedly betrayed the average American, the election of Donald Trump is a revolt against that elite. Like I said in my previous post, Americans would have voted for Mao if he stood on the same platform as Trump. People did not vote for him because they were misled.


You're trying to hammer the point that Trump lied, but you're missing the forest for the trees. No doubt Trump has lied, everyone knows what they were getting with Trump, but it doesn't matter. There is no lie that caused millions of Americans to vote for him, or for solidly democratic states to support a GOP candidate. People see very clearly the downward trajectory of America's future and chose to repudiate the entire political class.


Progressives don't understand this. They equate it with tyranny. But Trump is a creation of the people, a manifestation of their will. Yes, we created Trump. Not the real estate mogul, but the man who talks about draining the swamp. He truly embodies the populist ideology we've been longing for years.

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An anagram?


Supporting mother Hillary? Stealing my hypo? Save my Hillary? Must be...shaking my head? Do I win the stewing chicken?



Progressives don't understand this. They equate it with tyranny. But Trump is a creation of the people, a manifestation of their will. Yes, we created Trump. Not the real estate mogul, but the man who talks about draining the swamp. He truly embodies the populist ideology we've been longing for years.


Let my buy you a drink.

Edited by skyquest32
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What a lot of people have failed to understand is that the US election was, fundamentally, about the economy and class. Did nativism and xenophobia play into it? Of course they did; I'd be deluded to discount the role they played.

However... they were just one part of what happened.


A large swath of people in the US have been utterly ignored by the political elites for a very long time. These are, in many instances, the *exact* same people who, in fact, voted for Obama in 2008. These "Forgotten" (to use Trump's words), believed Obama would bring change, and return their livelihoods.. safeguard them from further economic hardship. These are the same people who would have likely considered supporting Bernie Sanders. If you distil Trump's message during the election, and strip away the hatred and stupidity... he really didn't sound all that different from Sanders, and people responded.


The DNC screwed up. Hillary is hated, for good reasons, and people saw her as the establishment harpy that she truly is. Further, owing to her exceptional hubris, she didn't even campaign in what she perceived as "strongholds." Instead, she arrogantly wasted time in places like Arizona, assuming she could wrest votes away from Trump in such areas, and taking for granted the "support" of her "base."

Moreover, the Centre and Left, in the US and elsewhere, have been largely taken over by SJWism, rather than focusing on real issues that effect *everybody.* I'm pretty sure a backlash against that has been in effect as well. (and I say this as somebody who has always supported the left side of the spectrum... now I'm simply alienated and despise them all)

Were I American, I would have, in good conscience, refused to vote for either. I'd have carefully researched the candidates running for Congress and so on.. but I'd have written somebody in for President. I felt George Carlin, and Robin Williams, would have been excellent choices.

Yet.. all the DNC does is point the blame finger, refusing all the while, to look directly into the mirror.

I feel this video, echoing the one posted by the OP, sums it up perfectly (warning- contains profanity):

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IMO it's basic logic that we can't begin to solve our mutual problems until we stop pointing fingers at each other. Our two-party political cartel maintains its power almost exclusively by keeping us as close to absolutely polarized on issues as possible. This artificial and intentional gridlock is what absolves them from their responsibility to perform their duties, to compromise and represent the will of the American people.


Pick an issue, any issue, and you'll probably find a chasm of difference between popular will and our current federal law. It's true for our foreign policy, which since GWB has consisted of nothing but constant war and threats of war, to our trade policy (can someone please tell us when the American people voted to open up our labor force to competition with totalitarian Communism?), to our federal drug laws that still have cannabis on the same restriction schedule as heroin -- even though cannabis is now entirely legal in several states and mostly legal in the rest. Etc.


Etc etc etc.


A century of gridlock has resulted in a federal government that is no longer relevant to much of anything, except their few original and truly essential purposes: to print our currency and mint our coinage, protect our international border, deliver our mail and provide for citizens who are unable to provide for themselves. Everything repeat EVERYTHING else is horseshit, including our military/Pentagon/NSA/etc, which has become (thanks largely to our Supreme Court) a legalized and self-propelled fascist machine.


If you want to laugh or maybe cry, read the current list of federal agencies. It's the longest Wiki article I've ever seen:




Did you know we have a Department of Departments?

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It's remarkably effective brainwashing, apparently.

Come now, that's harsh. Its the kind of change people were hoping for for a long time, if it was not trump it would have been something else. I really don't get guys like you, no offense. Why are you really trying to propagate the nightmarish way things have been going? It must be because of personal concerns, and situational. To protect something.


If you have thought it out, even if I don't agree with you I cant fault you on that. I'm not you however. I have my own interests and affairs, my store to mind as it were. I'm not brainwashed we know all to well what this man is.


You cant always assume because people if they are a good person, don't believe as you they must be brainwashed somehow, the man is simply pandering to us. We listened, we voted him in. I'm not about hate, what I hate is what these people would have our world become.


I want to fight a idea, a concept, a falsity, I view as dangerous and wrong. Not people. He or someone like him was just what was needed.


On the reverse I think the liberal media has brainwashed people, even corrupted youth. No, no, I am not pulling a south park like Hillary ''wont someone please think of the children'' *give it as many explanation points as you think it deserves but I don't believe in using the youth of America to make a point. Its just right is right.


The sad thing is, I don't think we have much common ground, the two sides I mean, when one person thinks a thing good and another corrupted in the same way, it leaves very little to say. This is sad. I really think so. Sometimes I morn humanity in general in this day and age. What was being lost. I know however it is being found again, and that this new dark age was bound to pass sometime.


I say, turn the page.

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Posting this, by my favourite singer and composer... RIP Good Sir... seems apt. Amazingly, it was released in 1974. Prescient (or maybe it's just that nothing ever changes):

Edited by Sonja
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"Its the kind of change people were hoping for for a long time"


If your idea of "change people were hoping for" is repealing Obamacare in its entirety, fracking Texas and appointing ExxonMobil's current CEO as our country's Secretary of State, I will leave you to your delusions. IMO you're either utterly brainwashed or no brain is present to wash.


See if anyone at Fox News asks Trump if ExxonMobil will continue receiving $40 billion annual tax subsidies, now that the company's CEO is running our State Department. Is this seriously the kind of change you think America was hoping for?

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"Its the kind of change people were hoping for for a long time"


If your idea of "change people were hoping for" is repealing Obamacare in its entirety, fracking Texas and appointing ExxonMobil's current CEO as our country's Secretary of State, I will leave you to your delusions. IMO you're either utterly brainwashed or no brain is present to wash.


See if anyone at Fox News asks Trump if ExxonMobil will continue receiving $40 billion annual tax subsidies, now that the company's CEO is running our State Department. Is this seriously the kind of change you think America was hoping for?

Actually repealing Obamacare was what many who voted for Trump did want. They also want a wall and they are likely to get their wish along with the ending of so called sanctuary cities.

I get it, he's not whom you wanted to win but he has. If Obama had not relied on extra congressional methods of implementing his policies ("I have a pen and a phone') it would not be so easy to undue them all with another pen. The irony of being hoisted on one's own petard must be evident to more than just a conservative audience.

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