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Why Trump Won


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Erm... I am cynical of both camps, but let's be clear that the right whinge and distort things as much as the left does. That is politics after all. We are all human, or is it that some are more human than others?


I am more than willing to concede that there are extreme zealots on either side that say cringe worthy things to those of us in the middle. I find little difference between the taking heads such as Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow.. ..except political allegiance, both make me cringe.

Though I would point out that there are some very intelligent, erudite, rational and respected Liberals on this forum that know how to rationally substantiate their contentions, not one has come to the defense of his assertions...rather telling IMO.





Most political and mainstream narratives make me cringe as well. The agenda all seems to be the same. Divide and rule.


Well I wouldn't like to speak for anyone... but perhaps that is the very nature of being liberal (both in the objective and subjective :tongue:)?


I wouldn't like to assume I know the circumstances nor the intentions of yourself or those that may or may not have defended themselves, but I too have on a number of occasions also run into dead ends as well. I usually put it down to not wanting to tempt the boundaries of the rules here at Nexus, or maybe it is because some things don't have answers that aren't dualist in nature...


On the odd occasion I may consider it might be because other people also don't like to feel they are talking to a wall. :wink:



Edited for rephrasing. Sorry :confused:

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Well I wouldn't like to speak for anyone... but perhaps that is the very nature of being liberal (both in the objective and subjective :tongue:)? I agree that personally I have on a number of occasions run a dead end as well, but perhaps that might be down to not wanting to tempt the boundaries of the rules here at Nexus, or maybe it is because some things don't have answers that aren't dualist in nature.


Yours was a rational response that deserved a fair read. I tend to agree that the rules have kept my keyboard in check many times when I wanted to go in for the kill but decided that editing or silence was more prudent..that is probably a good thing. :tongue:

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Erm... I am cynical of both camps, but let's be clear that the right whinge and distort things as much as the left does. That is politics after all. We are all human, or is it that some are more human than others?

I am more than willing to concede that there are extreme zealots on either side that say cringe worthy things to those of us in the middle. I find little difference between the taking heads such as Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow.. ..except political allegiance, both make me mentally cringe.

Though I would point out that there are some longstanding intelligent, erudite, rational and respected Liberals on this forum that know how to substantiate their contentions with actual verifiable proof, not one has come to the defense of his assertions...rather telling IMO.


I give references to my claims as best I can, and at least as often as anyone else in this forum. If you'd care to review posting histories, please do so.


The proof is in what Trump has done, as mentioned, just in the two weeks he's been in office. Already he's in "bunker mode" from our press and global media, and I keep searching for any sign that he's interested in representing the majority of our electorate who did not vote for him. I've found none, and if any signs of it exist I sure wish someone would reference them. Can we get a show of hands of Nexus members who support ExxonMobil's CEO being appointed as our country's Secretary of State, while Big Oil continues receiving $40 billion tax subsidies every year from the people? Please?


Is it possible for our financially and now morally bankrupt federal government to decay any further without collapsing altogether? Watch as Trump answers that question for us. The vultures always gather where the carcass is, and simply watch what happens when Trump starts talking about "renegotiating" our national debt. I wonder if that will be before or after he announces his fake solution to China (trade tariffs).


I keep saying time will tell what happens, but so far nobody has given us anything to be optimistic about. Trump made it as far as his inauguration party before spawning an ethics investigation. Also did you look up that Tonight Show appearance I referenced? I wish you would if you haven't, and see if it makes you change your opinion about Trump the same way it did my entire family's.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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I give references to my claims as best I can, and at least as often as anyone else in this forum. If you'd care to review posting histories, please do so.


The proof is in what Trump has done, as mentioned, just in the two weeks he's been in office. Already he's in "bunker mode" from our press and global media, and I keep searching for any sign that he's interested in representing the majority of our electorate who did not vote for him. I've found none, and if any signs of it exist I sure wish someone would reference them. Can we get a show of hands of Nexus members who support ExxonMobil's CEO being appointed as our country's Secretary of State, while Big Oil continues receiving $40 billion tax subsidies every year from the people? Please?


Is it possible for our financially and now morally bankrupt federal government to decay any further without collapsing altogether? Watch as Trump answers that question for us. The vultures always gather where the carcass is, and simply watch what happens when Trump starts talking about "renegotiating" our national debt. I wonder if that will be before or after he announces his fake solution to China (trade tariffs).


I keep saying time will tell what happens, but so far nobody has given us anything to be optimistic about. Trump made it as far as his inauguration party before spawning an ethics investigation. Also did you look up that Tonight Show appearance I referenced? I wish you would if you haven't, and see if it makes you change your opinion about Trump the same way it did my entire family's.


We all at the beginning simply reference our claims but when being called out on it usually back our assertions with an exact quote, a link, or in the extremely rare cases simply admit we were wrong. I am in accord with the Regan-ism "Trust but Verify'.


Yes Trump has been in office for two weeks and has moved to fulfill his campaign promises asap, though strange for a politician not so strange in the real world. As for what seems to be Corporate Phobia, best I can say is I'm not similarly afflicted. There are good and bad CEO's but by and large only the highly competent ones rise to the very top of multi nationals. There is something inherently wrong with a competent manager as Sec State?


This is where your post goes off the rails: "watch what happens when Trump starts talking about "renegotiating" our national debt". To my knowledge Trump has talked about NAFTA, balance of trade, import tariffs, Chinese currency manipulation but never about renegotiating the national debt. This is simply unfounded partisan speculation.


I realize that impeachment is the last refuge for "He's not my president " crowd, since the Recounts and Hamilton Electors didn't work out as hoped. If that last ditch hope keeps you warm and fuzzy at night then be my guest. His cabinet nominees will all be approved despite the committee walkouts.

Gorsach will sit on the Court..the thought of a strict constructionist on the SCOTUS bench for another 20-30 years will keep me warm and fuzzy at night for a lot longer I imagine...chuckles.

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Aurelius, I need to exit this futile search for gold in a silver mine. Please read and inform yourself: Trump has been talking renegotiation since last May, nothing unfounded about it e.g.:



A three days after the NYTimes article, the WSJ wrote this...easily found, seems that prospecting is not your forte.



Though you imply that you are leaving the discussion I won't declare victory, because there is no such thing on these forums.

There is only whom you have amused / bemused in the process... and trust me you have been very droll reading for several of us.





Edit: @Harbringe..don't you think it's time to stick a fork in this thread?

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As the Times article correctly points out, our national debt is $21 trillion and to the point where Interest rate recovery is altogether impossible without automatic bankruptcy. Meanwhile the WSJ article said Trump believes we should "buy back our Treasury notes when interest rates are high", to lower our debt.


Do I really need to explain this further? Trump's claimed solution isn't one, just like his proposal for trade tariffs on China. Or his wall (now fence) for Mexico. Etc. Or wait til he starts yammering about "health savings accounts" to replace the ACA, when 3/4 of the American people are now subsisting from paycheck to paycheck with zero money available for saving.


The two articles are an example of Trump's "say whatever you need to say to please whatever audience you're talking to".


As for sticking forks in this thread, imo it's better to have one catch-all thread about Trump rather than a dozen separate ones. But all of this is OT to the subject so I can't complain either way.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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At this point, our country is so far in debt, we are NEVER going to dig ourselves out of this hole. And the debt is going to continue to grow, so long as folks are willing to loan the US money. They all seem to think it isn't a bad idea, even though there are some European countries with a tiny fraction of that debt, they are being forced to implement rather severe 'austerity' measures. And their debt vs GDP isn't nearly as bad as ours.... Various presidents have talked about the debt over the years, but, very few of them have actually made any difference whatsoever. It still continues to rise at an alarming rate.


I am curious how trade tariffs with china have any relation to debt.......

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Edit: @Harbringe..don't you think it's time to stick a fork in this thread?



But But ... this is the longest running thread I ever made .. its like being popular.


Oh I guess so , not like there is not going to be many reasons over the next 4 years for someone to create new thread to vent. Can't see that happening. lol


To a moderator thread is all over the place , shut it down please.

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