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unethical mod authors


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To further compound this point; I just checked your download history. You've been using this site for over 5 years in which time you have downloaded over 150 mods from this site, and you haven't even endorsed a single one of them. You literally give nothing back except ridiculous expectations and rudeness. I repeat again, YOU, and your attitude, are the embodiment of toxicity in this community.



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This is what you posted on the LOOT thread that got removed by the author:

Loot fudged up my perfect load order...Now its black faces and untextured purple hair everywhere. yay.



Once again, you were childish and couldn't avoid sarcasm. I won't even get into how me being 30 years old puts me well out of the "baby boomer" category.


No wonder no one wants to help you. You're a rude waste of time. Something which I'll be happy to act upon if this continues.

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"funny considering there are many posts where he answered in a day or less"


There are other posts where he doesn't answer in a day or less. The point is, the modding community is a community, you'll get help with some patience and graciousness and appreciation and not by acting like a demanding six year-old. The world doesn't owe and certainly no one here owes you anything, in case that reality has never been explained to you.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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That's fine by me. I don't want you here, so we'll ensure that's the case by removing you from this community that you've taken a hell of a lot from and given nothing back except pathetic entitlement and rudeness.

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  On 11/12/2016 at 2:27 PM, sakifox said:

funny considering there are many posts where he answered in a day or less. But thanks for insulting me. and re affirming my belief about the modding community. Toxic.


And if you read his thread more closely, youd realize, like i have that with him, aswell as many others. He ignores quite a lot. as does most of the modders. Im seeing quite a few that have up to a week with no answers. and yet others that have less then two days. So why dont you follow your own advice and have a lovely day mister admin.


I fully expect to be banned from the forums as that seems to be the only logical immature action that most internet based admins do, rather than support. Easier i suppose.

the sooner the better.

i didnt really want to respond, but i cant help myself.

there seems to be a new breed of gamers around(lots of them on steam), that when the slightets thing goes worng, immediately go blame everyting, except thier own


i am very very thankfull for the moddders to give me an added experience.

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