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unethical mod authors


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I realize the OP will not see this but for others I would like to add...


You have to have realistic expectations. Saying, "This mod broke my game!" will not get a response or will get a bad response.


It says nothing.


What you need to do, especially with a new platform but generally good practice, is to provide as much detail as possible. Within reason.

Game version #, Mod version #, Description of issue, Repeatable? yes/no, and a brief list of supportive tools and procedures used, LOOT, Bash Patch, SSEEdit cleaned Masters, etc.


You will find you get much better support that way. And you help fix the problem or diagnose if it is even related to the forum your posting in.

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New section not even a month old and we've already gotten a "self-destruct" floor-show.


Entertaining though it is, I still cringe when I read stuff like this. Especially when I think of mod authors and forum admins that have to wade through cesspits of it in the notes and forums sections. Honestly, how do you guys put up with it and maintain your sense of composure? I know I sure couldn't.


Also, I'm grateful that this thread did not devolve into a cesspool itself (as so many of these unfortunately do.) Instead, everyone kept their cool and simply stated their opinion. So, thank you all for that.


EDIT: On a sudden suspicion I went to the "banned" section in forum warnings and, yep, he had immediately tried to circumvent his ban by creating a new account. LOL. And, of course, Robin was waiting for him when he tried it. Well, every floor-show needs a final act...

Edited by LeddBate
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Gotta love how op is butthurt, because the mod authors didn't kiss his ass.

Also there is nothing "unethical" about this, nobody has to help you with anything, go figure it out on your own.

I bet OP is one of those people who cried when Hillary lost. LOL

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Both are in the wrong. The mod author ignored him. And the OP got snarky as a result.

If all you do is go to my mod page and say "it's not working" I will delete your comment. That is a dumb comment, offers no information and just wastes my time.

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Both are in the wrong. The mod author ignored him. And the OP got snarky as a result.


Well if the mod author is in the wrong for not replying to a post after a mere 22 hours then I am in the 'wrong' everyday. :rolleyes: If this were a full time job then even then it would be reasonable to allow the author at least a few days to reply.


Modders don't hang over mod comment threads all day waiting for someone to comment, they have to attend to a million other things. They try to keep up, but you have to prioritize and quite frankly earning a living and dealing with RL MUST take precedent, mods have to come after. So if users are left waiting I am sorry but I am doing the best I can to deal with RL, multiple mods uploaded and a ton of comments and reported issues on them and so are the other modders. If people are going to get rude then why should I or any other modder waste our valuable time dealing with them when we can help that user over there who is polite and willing to put some effort into resolving the problem themselves by at least describing the problem and giving the modder a place to start looking for the issue.


So the mod author probably didn't ignore him, the mod author was probably trying to deal with a dozen other more important issues brought up by users and if the mod author did actually ignore then he/she was utterly justified in passing over the rude and demanding comments that user left.

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Good customer service and being civil to mod users should not be contingent upon the number of endorsements they give. They're not obligated to do so any more than authors are obligated to create mods in the first place.


Now, we can talk about entitlement and selfishness, but the gate swings both ways. And both sides of this community can be incredibly frustrating to deal with, especially when people decide that the answer to someone being a ratbag is to be an even BIGGER ratbag.


I'm sure I'm guilty of that as well, but at the very least, I'm not proud of it, the way some of you are.....

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