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[WIP] Call of Hircine: Bloodmoon Rising


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I fixed the lighting issues on the old mesh made by samogen, just to understand the lighting in Skyrim, wich I think its total crap



lol I think its funny no-one ever tried the new mesh I made... Because all of the texture bugs where fixed... along with the holes lol...

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wait, does the costant checking on the current time by the script affects performance?


Short Answer: Probably not noticeably for a small script like this with such a long delay time unless Bethsda has done something truly retarded with the new scripts. (Always a possibility)


Long Answer: It depends. Global Scripts, which is to say scrips attached to quests, the type which are (in most cases) necessary to affect every NPC in loaded cells for example (activating the beast form magic effect on all NPCs carrying a hidden item with identifying them as an NPC werewolf in the context of the scrip for example for example) are notorious for chewing up performance. Particularly long or complex ones (or ones that reference a few "problematic" script commands) can often drop your FPS by 2-5. That hypothetical script probably wouldn't cause a noticeable FPS drop, but combining all of the various global scripts together or running them at the same time might. Basically, its what cswiki said about Global Scripts: Don't use them if you can avoid it, and keep the number of them that are running parallel to each other to a minimum ESPECIALLY if they're changing or referencing the same Cross Script or Global Variables. Both cases could result in a script triggering certain functions prematurely or failing to trigger others, and, in extreme cases could cause a CTD if the scripts aren't perfectly synchronized, say, if a cross script variable used as a divisor in a particular script is changed to zero by a separate script running parallel to the first, resulting in a divide by zero error.


That's just the tip of the iceberg with global scripts, and keep in mind that's Oblivion, and my memories a bit shoddy on some aspects of Oblivion scripting.

Edited by TheElderInfinity
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Good luck.


Btw good news, the guy who made This Mod offered to let us use his textures (which are pretty damn good from the look of it), and help out with the project.


Though, since DreamCodex is remaking the model with squares instead of triangles, I'm not sure if we'll be able to use them right off the bat, and not even sure it would be possible to make them usable without remaking them completely.

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