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[WIP] Call of Hircine: Bloodmoon Rising


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And, just as we're making progress, Suddenly fail.



Bloodmoon Rising is indefinitely on hold guys. Sorry. There's just too many gambreaking bugs that prevent the addition of any significant kind of custom quest, let alone something along the lines of what we're doing. Custom NPCs are borked and Bethesda's not showing any indications of fixing them, navmeshes are broken and probably won't be fixed for months, and we'll never be able to make custom animations that don't overwrite an existing one. Not without recreating every single animation in the game from scratch at least.


We're also going to have to drastically reduce the scope of the Werewolf overhaul. No sneak animation or first person stuff because those can't be changed I'm afraid, but everything else is possible.

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As I said before, this game is a console port, how can it be possible to not be able to add animations whitout having to replace another one? We should do this simple, transform from 7PM till 6AM. Feed animals and humanoids, more werewolf encounters that carry the disease = decent mod. I get the feeling that most of the talented modders stay on Oblivion.


EDIT : Holy Mother of God, 46 guests!


DOUBLE EDIT: C'mon, we can't wait, just look at the views, replies and reading people right now, don't throw it all away.

Edited by sergyu2500
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Don't worry, we're not abandoning this.


We just have to wait until Bethesda gets around to patching some issues. That's why its postponed instead of canceled: In its current state, the CK isn't powerful enough for the questline. The werewolf overhaul, however, is mostly doable.


In addition, we could theoretically get the werewolf animations working, though it would entail literally remaking the werewolf from scratch, so sneak animations and such are going to be very long term goals.

Edited by TheElderInfinity
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Any chance you could release a "Bloodmoon Rising Lite" that achieves more or less reworking werewolves to be more lore friendly, and then add in the quest stuff later? I've been waiting forever for this, I can't wait to see some of the final product. :o


We're going to release the werewolf changes whenever they're done, possibly sooner. NPC werewolves (other than ones that already exist in game) and the hunters will come in whenever Bethesda fixes the damn face texture issue.


The questline though?


It will be released in a few months (Valve Time)

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Hey everyone I just found this quote that relates to what we're doing here... it ain't much as it is just a rumor but it would be nice...




"There are currently 18 skills in total so there is room for more such as one specifically for a Werewolf, where you can level up while in this form for killing or eating different things. The problem with being one of these creatures is that you do not have any armor, so you could take an arrow and be killed outright. Why would you be given the chance to become a Werewolf if there was no way for it to become a major part of the game, hence why there are rumors of a skill tree in a future DLC?"




Heres the source of the quote

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Good news everyone. I finally got a script that properly calculates the moon phase. For a reason I don't understand, it changes (in code) some time around 6 PM, but that's alright since its before the time a player should transform.


Was there something wrong with my math ? It wored ok for me.

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