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Favorite Places?


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What is your favorite place in all of Skyrim? It can be an entire place, a small section, dungeon/cave, a beach, a mountain top, anything that really caught your eye, and state why it is your favorite.


Link pics if you like, i'd love to see.

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Off the top of my head, the hunter camp in Eastmarch that is near the Eldergleam Sanctuary, particularly at night. I just want to sink down into the hot spring water and relax. Stare up at the aurora or the stars through the steam. Listen to the springs bubbling, with a dragon calling in the distance. It really makes me feel like I've stepped into some other reality, not like I'm playing a game.
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Blackreach. A 5 or so loading screens and 2 filled inventories later was totally worth it going down there. It is, apparently, 4 square miles big. I will not leave it until I get 30 crimson nirnroots. I want some massive mod that will turn Blackreach into a new region, of some sorts. It is just too epic. Edited by Omeletter
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Tundra ice-cliffs, BLACKREACH :D *, Eldergleam Sanctuary,


*(and yeah, I too wanted to turn it into a worldspace, but decided to instead make another large cave instead which could be its own worldspace, and then I went overboard and started coming up with all sorts of new stuff, including a lot more dwemer stuff, culminating in another worldspace (Though this time a lordless plane of oblivion, akin to Mankar Camoran's Paradise in terms of being created by mortals by harnessing power beyond their own, though here using modified dwemer technology) - I have doubts I'd ever get around to doing all that much though XD)

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