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I need help in skyrim!!!


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alright since i started out there was no crosshair and no markers or notifications for example a cant know whats the name of an item, person, building etc when i stand in front of it it also when i find a new location or a new quest or a skill increase the drums and the song comes out but doesnt say anything i have to check my map or journal to find out and one more thing is that i cant see my health, magika and stamina the bars just wont show up i have to look in my inventory to see if im hurt or something so pretty much my screen (both 1 person and 3er person view) doesnt show anything (compass, health magika and stamina bars and notifications) so yeah pretty much i dont know what im grabing where im entering to who i talk with who i fight etc YES i did try turning them on in the settings i have all of them marked down but still nothing i really need help
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check settings? i turned off all of mine so it looks just like that. especially with the stock FOV the screen feels so cluttered with the compass, health bars, crosshairs... all that crap on the screen. much more fun to actually have to aim your arrows and run away when you think you need to heal.
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  • 2 weeks later...
hey im sorry i dint reply sooner but i solved that problem and no its not a pirate copy its an autentic copy (if thats how its called a normal copy) and the problem was the opacity i turned it up and im able to see them now thanks a lo smosh!!!!!!!!
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