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Skyrim Launcher has stopped working - missing D3x9_43.dll?


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Sorry to say but that thread became more confusing than helpful. The OP made reference to a specific issue (and known issue for the author's site explicitly tell those numbered d3d dlls are necessary and are from DirectX 9c and do not exist where only DX10 is installed).


Then things became confuse and is not known if the FXAA ever worked on your setup but surely no dll got corrupted, to it would be necessary that one mod was physically harming another mod's file, something a texture mod can't possibly do to a dll.


The game try to load files first from the root directory, so that non official (as in specially modified) d3d9.dll has precedence over the official one at the windows structure, removing it you effectively removed FXAA but whatever was causing it's fail or malfunction is still there. If I'm to take the original post for base you still lack the files from actual DirectX9 for what DirectX 10 provides only basic support. Since some other game you may happen to install will need these files (or to be able to use FXAA itself), you may want to download and install the the DirectX 9c runtime from MS sites to have complete DX9 support (many games still need it and most which already install it have outdated versions).


PS edit: To the extent I know, is the d3d9 from ENB series which have that dependence, and the usage together with the d3d9 from FXAA implies chaining two different d3d9 dlls (by altering the name of that from FXAA and explicitly putting the modified name in the specific ENB ini file so it is called from there. Failing to do it correctly may cause issues.

Edited by nosisab
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  • 7 months later...

I found out what it was. A texture mod corrupted said Dll file. Its all good now, Thanks for the help



How did you find/fix the problem?

I deleted the d3d9.dll file in my skyrim folder. It was from my FXAA mod I had installed. Deleting that file fixed it.



I can second that this works for the error....delete that file and it works again :) thanks

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I found out what it was. A texture mod corrupted said Dll file. Its all good now, Thanks for the help


How did you find/fix the problem?


I deleted the d3d9.dll file in my skyrim folder. It was from my FXAA mod I had installed. Deleting that file fixed it.


Oh WOW thank you so much for telling me this! I've been scouring the internet for ages. It worked!

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I found out what it was. A texture mod corrupted said Dll file. Its all good now, Thanks for the help


How did you find/fix the problem?


I deleted the d3d9.dll file in my skyrim folder. It was from my FXAA mod I had installed. Deleting that file fixed it.


i had the same problem just now,,, glad u found the fix!!! Thanks!!

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