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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Hey, first of all, i just wanted to say that I'm really excited and looking forward for the release of this mod, great work!

Second of all, i have a question, or rather, a request. Will the mod feature a modular installation where the user can choose which vanilla weapon that replaced or altered. As in my preferences, I'm already satisfied with most of the vanilla weapon models, i say most because i can't get over the fact that Combat Rifle and Combat Shotgun has the same damn model, and that's he reason why I'm looking forward fr this mod. As for the rest of vanilla weapon, I'm pretty much okay with them.

The Fallout franchise always features alternative weapon design that has several differences from real life one, and in my opinion replacing some of the classic weapon such as 10 mm pistol is kinda weird? strange? i don't know the right word for it. Then again, i don't know s#*! about guns and firearms.

If you won't do it, I'm cool with it, if you will, thank you.

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Thanks. :smile:

However this is an area where I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't. Basically I get to choose between:

1) People frequently requesting modular or alternate versions of the mod because they don't like something and don't want to change it themselves.
2) People frequently requesting a merged version of the mod because all the modular plugins won't leave room for the several-dozen skimpy-clothing mods they use.

Since I'll be getting complaints/repeated requests either way, I tend to lean towards just doing whatever the firetruck I want. :wink: In this case that means no modular plugins for the different weapons being replaced. Again though - I've said this a few times - only four weapons are planned to be replaced, and replacing those weapons is a principle feature of the mod. I really don't like those weapons!

(None of this is aimed at you personally, by the way; it's just an eternal struggle. :wink:)

The way I see it, most "classic" weapons from the early Fallout games look the way they do (I.e. like nerf guns that have been painted grey) partly due to the low-res, 2D nature of those games, and partly because the artists who made them were not good at weapon design. That's probably an unpopular opinion to have amongst certain Fallout fans, but there it is. In any case, I go into more detail on my reasons for WARS being the way it is - or the way it's planned - in the first couple of posts, and I'm standing by that.

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If you do decide to add a CETME, I personally own a model C and would be very willing to supply you with any photo references you might need. It's definitely one of my most desired weapons in Fallout 4.


On the topic of future considerations, have you thought about replacing the double barrel shotgun? It's one of the less offensive vanilla game weapons, but it's still comically large and proportionately exaggerated to the point of being "cartoony," for lack of a better term. Not to mention the horribly stiff animations that it uses. It's one of those weapons that I want to use, but there are just too many things I dislike about it. This isn't a request, just a suggestion in case you start thinking about other potential additions & replacements once the current plans are finished.

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Thanks - I'll keep you in mind. :) If it happens it probably won't be for quite a while, though.


I'm already considering editing the Tommy Gun to try to fix the weird proportions they gave it in FO4 (e.g. that bizarre funnel muzzle), so hey, maybe I'll have a look at the double-barrel shotgun too.

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Hello, I have not read every single post, so please forgive me if this has already been answered, but how do you guys gonna deal with uniques?

For example you said you were gonna replace the combat rifle with a mini 14? How is that gonna change guns like Overseers guardian and so on?

I was just wondering, and is it gonna be compatible with mods thats change the current uniques, like the "Unique uniques mod"?

But anyway, Im loving everything about this mod so far, creating ammo with shells and casings again like in FNV... yum :D


p.s do you have a donation buttom? :)

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Thanks - I'll keep you in mind. :smile: If it happens it probably won't be for quite a while, though.


I'm already considering editing the Tommy Gun to try to fix the weird proportions they gave it in FO4 (e.g. that bizarre funnel muzzle), so hey, maybe I'll have a look at the double-barrel shotgun too.


I had made a complete working Thompson M1a1 model and textures but lost all my work due to a corrupted harddrive. The last thing it needed was animations to go with it. :(

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Here are some new bits and pieces for the AR-15:

- AR-15 16
- AR-15 17
- AR-15 18
- AR-15 19
- M7 Bayonet 01

I've mentioned before that I don't think the "quick eject" mags in FO4 make a lot of sense, so instead of that, the AR-15 in WARS gets magazine pulls for its "increase reload speed" weapon mods. These are on their own slot, and can only be attached to the twenty and thirty round mags. The larger mags are just slower to reload and that's that.

(The floor plate mag pull is slightly faster than the sleeve one, in case you're wondering.)

These are from Tigg's Magazine pulls resource, with some mesh and texture edits by me, as usual.

The M7 Bayonet is the latest addition. So now you can choose between the M2 (Ka-Bar) style bayonet from the base game and this M7. (Currently I have the M2 doing a little more damage but being a little more cumbersome.) The M7 mesh is by An Aggressive Napkin, with some changes by me. I also made the textures from scratch.

The bayonets are on their own slot - not the "muzzle" slot, as in the base game - because they don't fit on the CQB barrels. (I needed to be able to specifically leave that attach point out on those meshes.) This means you can match them with whatever muzzle attachment you like - which is good - but that does include the suppressor, which may look a little silly. Can't really be helped.

Speaking of muzzle attachments, you can also see the new three port muzzle brake in some of those shots. That's one I did from scratch.

Hello, I have not read every single post, so please forgive me if this has already been answered, but how do you guys gonna deal with uniques?
For example you said you were gonna replace the combat rifle with a mini 14? How is that gonna change guns like Overseers guardian and so on?
I was just wondering, and is it gonna be compatible with mods thats change the current uniques, like the "Unique uniques mod"?
But anyway, Im loving everything about this mod so far, creating ammo with shells and casings again like in FNV... yum :D

p.s do you have a donation buttom? :smile:

Unique weapons will probably share the appearance of their standard counterparts, as in the base game. Or maybe I'll give them a custom material swap or something - I don't know yet.

WARS will likely be incompatible with mods that edit the same weapons - though it might depend on exactly what they do.

I haven't got to the ammo crafting stuff yet, but I'm looking forward to it too. Hopefully it works the way I'm planning it.

I do have a donate button on (some of?) my Nexus pages, yeah. WMX and whatnot.

I had made a complete working Thompson M1a1 model and textures but lost all my work due to a corrupted harddrive. The last thing it needed was animations to go with it. :sad:

Damn, that's a shame. I have also had a bit of a look around for an outright replacement for the vanilla Tommy Gun, but haven't found anything decent so far.

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