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Proofed Facts about Skyrim


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FACT: Children are more dangerous than the Daedra. No, not because they're unkillable, it's because they're so annoying. They make it impossible not to punch them, and then you get arrested. Therefore, it's the kids' fault, thus, the kids are dangerous.
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Bees are really SLOW in Skyrim. I mean, try to catch a real bee! But in Skyrim they just hang in the air waiting to be caught. And they don't bite! Even if you're catching them or wrecking their hive. Are they enchanted by some mage or divine?



you mean sting?? :P


anyway. my bees dont sting me when i catch them to!



In my native language everyone bites - dogs, rats, even bees and wasps. But not cats - they scratch, right? :wink:

Thanks for the tip.

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Fact: there is a cow with blue tattoos all over it


Fact: Sabercats have a tendency to "fly" after death.

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Fact: All the fires in Skyrim are eternal, outlasting the citizens.


Fact: Weapons are invincible in Skyrim. However, they age as evidenced by the Ancient Nord Swords and Battle Axes.


Fact: Marriages are...unconventional in Skyrim. You can come back home after however long you want, store your treasure, arrange your possessions, eat whatever you want, take a nap, whip up a couple potions, read a few books and more AND you can do all this while never having to speak to your wife. And she will still stay by your side.


Fact: Everyone has access to a hidden dimension, where lie an infinite amount of bottles of varying shape, size and color, which are tailored specifically for making potions.


Fact: The Dragonborn is a possible contender for the position of Atlas, as he has shown time and time again that he can carry more weight than anyone in Skyrim, in FACT, he can carry more weight than all the people in Skyrim can, COMBINED. And he can walk and more amazingly, JUMP, while doing so.


Fact: Despite the above mentioned fact, the Dragonborn can be killed by bandits and other wild creatures.

Edited by BhataktiAtma
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- Not drinking blood makes vampires stronger and causes people to hate them. Vampires that do feed are weak but loved by all.


- Need to kill all witnesses to cover up a crime? Don't forget the horse. He will rat you out.


- Accidentally killing a chicken is punishable by death. Blowing up buildings with fireballs is okay.


- After fighting a dragon for five minutes while the new guy hides in a building until the dragon is almost dead and then shoots one fireball, you will think he is awesome and you could not possibly have killed the dragon without him.


- Dragons may or may not be able to sense the dragonborn, but they do sense modmakers who are trying to test something in a quiet environment.


- Upon seeing an unguarded horse in the wilderness owned by a guy who is nowhere nearby, bandits will decide the best course of action is to kill the horse.

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No one ever uses the bathroom in Skyrim, they are just forced to hold it in forever. Many people die for that reason.


have you ever wondered where does this large amount of ale and wine coming from??


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