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What makes a good mod page? User opinions wanted.


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So this shotcut software: What does it do? I need video editing software mainly to cut out portions of a video that are dead space like the clip for the institute settlement where I spent 5 minutes chasing down a settler. I looked at Shotcut for about half an hour to an hour. Then I used YouTube's editor.

The OBS worked perfectly though.


Shotcut is an open source video editor, and pretty easy to use; I'll PM you some useful info, rather than fill up this thread. Glad to hear you got OBS working.

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a) The mod page uses the same BBCode as the forums. BBCode


That's a shame. I would assume that means no "bookmark" internal linking of the same page.


HTML was...


<a name=JumpHere></a>

<a href=#JumpHere>Jump Link</a>


It worked great for table of contents on a page, as it didn't navigate you away. Also allowed you to re-post the links after each section (or a generic "back to contents"). Ho hum. BBCode is a clumsy, inelegant creature.



EDIT: Apparently it is possible to do, but admins have to specifically create / enable it.

Edited by Athanasa
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Or right click the link and open in a new tab. ÃÂ That's what I do.

What I'm trying to describe is basically how Wikipedia does it's pages, with the top contents links. It helps to make large amounts of information navigable when you're forced to put it all on one page.


Clicking the links would jump you to a defined area of the content. So you click the "FAQ" link at the top of the page and you're instantly jumped to that section.

Edited by Athanasa
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A 10 minute video? My ADHD laughs and says there's no way on earth I'm going to sit through a 10 minute instructional video on a mod unless it's the most complicated, useful, and necessary mod ever. I can read a huge description page so much faster. A 2-3 minute video is great if the mod benefits from the visuals that only a video can provide such as a fabulous player home, but not all mods benefit from a video in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, if a major youtube reviewer includes my mod in a review, you can bet I'd be shoving that link up on my page with a big grin, but not all mods really need one. For example, my bridge mods? Three pictures is more than sufficient to explain the mod. It really doesn't need a video. It's a bridge on a bridge. It's not rocket science. :D

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You and I can read so much faster, but the average populace probably prefers the video. Not saying we need to invest in reading in our schools. ;) For some things its easier, like showcasing sound mods where no videos are posted and someone comments saying "Pictures?" which gets me every time I see it. You want pictures for a sound? How about I give you a video instead so you can hear the sound.


I will take your advice though. Agreatweight sent me a tutorial for Shotcut so I can work on cutting everything down. So I have 120 to 180 seconds to feature what the user needs to know.

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