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Creation Kit - Today?


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I just hope they don't lock the use of the CK to the use of Steam. I'd like to use the CK without being required to go through Steam first.

What does it matter? You need to run the game to test your mods anyway, and that requires Steam already. From what Bethsoft has said, the toolset will only be legally available to legal users through Steam. Interpret that as you will. :tongue:



Well, I don't have Steam on my laptop, and I'd like to be able to work on mod ideas without having to install Steam and Skyrim etc just to be able to use the CK.


I am pretty sure the toolset is going to be dependent on the games installation for data, like the GECK is. I'd almost call it rather naive to think otherwise.

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Theoretically should be enough the data. Making some concessions it could be dependent on the game installation but only making a LOT of concessions can be defended its dependence on Steam.



PS: I hope will not be too late when Bethesda finds out is killing her golden egg's chicken.


Question: Did the mod making community ever endangered the official DLCs?

I don't think so, actually I think the modders and users saw in them more field to work... and then to Beth, to increase the selling.


Question: What's the main motivation to mod?

I want not to answer for everyone but I believe to many is the integration with the work, "it is my work and I'm proud of it". Of course being paid for work is never bad for the author individually, is even just and fair, but the price to pay for it may be too high to everyone including that paid modder. I fear the model is being attempted may be a cold shower to our hot community at some point.


PPS: Is just me who can't avoid the feeling of being much closer to Nehrim than to Oblivion when playing Skyrim? might be the names similarity, maybe is just it...

The modding community is since forever one the best sources of ideas to Bethesda.

Edited by nosisab
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Fallout 3

New Vegas


- all required the accompanying dev kit to be installed in the game directory, and directly accessed the data from the master and plugin files in the data directory.


- the new dev kit requires Steam Workshop integration.

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Well you never know, like I said they've broken their word repeatedly: first the CK was supposed to be released with the game. Definitely did not happen. Then it was supposed to be "soon after Skyrim was released" (over two months and counting is not "soon" imo). Then it was supposed to be between late November to early December. The given dates came and went. Didn't happen. *sigh* It's not a healthy thing they're doing to the fan base.


Not sure where you are getting that they broke their word, they never said by xxx date, ever. They said they hoped and would try, but never gave any due by date at all. They never committed to any date in Nov or Dec either. And in relative terms, we are still at the "soon after release" point.

IMO, the only unhealthy thing happening is some users expectations.


Honestly you should stop backing them up. when todd goes prancing aroung giving us bs about how the ck will probably be released with skyrim on release you either expect him to release it or to stop lying to us. Secondly other than the amazing game they made i cant see y everyone thinks bethesda is so involved with there community, have a look at their posts at the bethskyrim forums.they only have two posts on the creation kit. We bought the game expecting the ck thats all we asked for, and your comment about how lovely bethesda is for never telling us when the most important component of skyrim is going to be released. Its people like you that arent helping, taking the pressure of bethesda.

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I just hope they don't lock the use of the CK to the use of Steam. I'd like to use the CK without being required to go through Steam first.


Interesting. This is perhaps the very reason it's taking so long: (to reg check for a valid Skyrim install.)


Someone had mentioned "valvetime" ..

This is very possible, just to be sure those with "black box editions" aren't reaping the benefits of free mod capabilities. After all, one had once said "the only way to overcome modern day piracy is to have something the pirates can't." Or something to that effect.


Regardless, I would not like to need to validate (need to be online) every time I use the CK. Like if I'm on my lappy and the internet goes out or I'm on the road and there's nothing to do w/ no internet. Or I just don't feel like having steam up :P

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Honestly you should stop backing them up. when todd goes prancing aroung giving us bs about how the ck will probably be released with skyrim on release you either expect him to release it or to stop lying to us. Secondly other than the amazing game they made i cant see y everyone thinks bethesda is so involved with there community, have a look at their posts at the bethskyrim forums.they only have two posts on the creation kit. We bought the game expecting the ck thats all we asked for, and your comment about how lovely bethesda is for never telling us when the most important component of skyrim is going to be released. Its people like you that arent helping, taking the pressure of bethesda.


Fact: They never promised the toolset by any date prior to the last of December.

Fact: They announced the toolset will be released in January.

Fact: It's still January.

Fact: I never said anything about about how they are or aren't involved with the community.

Fact: I never commented in anyway on how lovely they are.

Fact: Neither on the box or in the Skyrim user guide, no where does it say that the toolset is included with your "purchase".

Fact: It's people like you who aren't helping things because of your overblown sense of entitlement and expectations.


Do us all a favor and have a chill, you aren't making much sense with your inaccurate statements and twisted views.

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myrmaad: That's probably for copy protection reasons, since steam games generally aren't mod friendly.


Edit: lol.. I missed that one big time! /:facepalm:


That might be part of the reason, look at how many :pirate: get banned here on a pretty regular basis...

Edited by Sunnie
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