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Lookiing for an MMORPG


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Vindictus is terribly unoptimized however, and you MUST grind a lot. A FREAKING LOT. I stopped playing when I reached level 50 I think.


The MMO I'd suggest is.... DDO! Dungeons and Dragons: Online. It is free so you can get a good taste of the game before you think of putting money into it for additional raids ect. The character creation is very good and you can mix up up to 3 classes to make your very own customized class. The Graphics aren't that good, but the raiding and community and dungeons are pretty fun and cool

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I tried Runes of Magic, but apparently my video card isn't good enough for it. I kept getting a critical error when I tried to run it, and a search on the issue told me it's the video card.


I didn't get into Vindictus either. I hadn't recalled trying it, went to look at it, and didn't dig it. DDOnline would be better, IMO, had they gone with the Forgotten Realms setting. I didn't get into it, either. I know I'm being very difficult here. I guess until the right one comes along, I'll stick with WoW. Thanks for all your help!

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Have you tried Anarchy Online? It's by the same people that did Age of Conan. The graphics are a bit outdated (they promised a graphics update like 4 years ago--never happened), but it's fun. It's sci-fi themed. There are a ton of things to do, I never got very far in it. Level cap is like 220 or something crazy, might even be higher, think they released a new expansion not too long ago. You can play for free, it's fun for awhile, but you wind up paying 15/month just to get the godlier items. I'm normally don't like MMOs, but this caught my attention for a few months.
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DC universe online DC superhero mmo, flight, acrobatics, superspeed, powers out the wazoo, style and costuming choices that boggle the mind.


forsaken world, asian but very different from the usual grind fest, daily quests (not always centered around go here kill this or collect that), timed instances, and dozens of little things hard to put into a brief descrip


rusty hearts, 3D quest/brawler w/cell shaded cg


hellgate: london techno/magic world many elements of a fps depending on your class, randomized dungeons


just saw the no ddo/vindictus deal

Edited by DeadSpace
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i only played a little bit of Rust Hearts, and it was alright. not my cup of tea.


another one ive seen is called ARGO Online. ive only played a bit, and it was enjoyable, though that may have just been the "new setting/game" factor.

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DCU online was the second worst game I played last year, though not nearly as bad as APB.


Split problem by problem, the main issues where that melee attacks had infinite reach-you didn't actual have to get into melee combat to melee, simply swing at them and you'd hit them, from further away than guns could. Powers themsevles feel decidedly unheroic, there's very little choice, especialy with support powers, which fall into only a tiny number of catergories. With three movement abilities to choose from, only a handful of support abilities, and very narrow roles pre-set for each main powerset, you could only really be a few diferent types of dude. Costumes were similarly gimped-forget about true personalisation, it's pretty much tights tights and tights, robots? nope, vampires? nopes, unless they're vampires in tights, beasts? unlikely, armour? not on your life. And it's moot anyway, your gear overwrites your costume meaning whenever you equip new gear you have to manualy reset it. Probably the most glaring flaw is the lack of facial costumisation, you've got skin and a few other options, but you can't change to cast of your face much at all, making everyone, especialy female characters(which feel utterly neglected to begin with) looking like an army of clones in diferent colour tights.


As afforementioned there's a real neglect on female characters, as they have a lot less options than males and their faces all look pretty much the same. This and their tarty posture and walk leaves the game feeling a bit sexist for modern times, but this pales in comparision to DCU's deadliest sin: you don't feel remotely super. You, every play, has the same origin, they're "mass produced" superheroes created by Lex Luther to resist brainiac's invasion, and compared to say, Superman, or my favorite, Batman, you're pretty pathetic. They have vastly better costumes, gear, powers, and personalities, compared to which, even at levelcap, you seem utterly weak and mortal. This is unforgiveable in a superhero game relative to the competition.


Combat too is woeful, and probably the thing that kills this rotten little pile of misery off. Enemies always attack in groups and aggro is random, haphazard and unpredictable. Ai is terrible and to make matters worse, so's the pathfinding(enemies often jumping off cliffs) Even at levelcap and with a strong character, the constant, unavoidable combat crawls by with the pace of a star's life cycle. Enemies, even basic henchmen, take vast punishment to kill, and the actual pase is so slow that it's not fun, it's actualy a chore. Facing ten guys and having to fight each one for 70 seconds, and then moving 30 feet and fighting ten more just makes you want to scream.

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Apparently you've never seen the 70's era Batman TV show. In general DC superheroes have always been a little watered down and samey. There are even several ones who have pretty much the same powers. And most are rather frail. Superman is pretty much the only one who can take any sort of real beating (not counting recent incarnations of Wonderwoman which have added flight, super strength, and being bullet proof).


Seemed like a pathetic clone of Champions Online and City of Heroes to me. Which brings to mind City of Heroes... Which if I remember correctly also suffered from the problem of henchmen who didn't want to die and opponents who were always designed to render your powers useless (only ranged enemies when you're a melee fighter), requiring you to sidekick for a good portion of the game.

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Apparently you've never seen the 70's era Batman TV show. In general DC superheroes have always been a little watered down and samey. There are even several ones who have pretty much the same powers. And most are rather frail. Superman is pretty much the only one who can take any sort of real beating (not counting recent incarnations of Wonderwoman which have added flight, super strength, and being bullet proof).


Seemed like a pathetic clone of Champions Online and City of Heroes to me. Which brings to mind City of Heroes... Which if I remember correctly also suffered from the problem of henchmen who didn't want to die and opponents who were always designed to render your powers useless (only ranged enemies when you're a melee fighter), requiring you to sidekick for a good portion of the game.


Admitedly I havent, I'm a child of the '90s lol.


I actualy really recomend Champions Online since it's free. I have had a lot of fun in it-you, if nothing else, really do get an emormous amount of customisation, and feel truly super. I tend to follow a Deadpool type archetype, guns, swords, gizmos and gadgets, even most superhero games don't really make that feel very super. CO did, somehow, and by level cap I really did feel like a being of true power. And soloing Grond never got old. The really critical improvements that CO brings to the table are it's shear fluidity-animations blur into eachother especialy in melee, moves flow into eachother, and movement, especialy on land, has a real fluidity and responsiveness, doubly so with a gamepad. There's also gigantic character customisation speaking relatively with DCU and as you play you unlock optional "skin" slots for your character which let you swap between several whole appearances within your current gender, rather than simple costume changes you can change literaly everywith, including proportions and even species and swap between them at will.


Combat's also much better, henchies go down fast, sarges and armoured vehicles can be a challenge though, and some of the higher level enemies can really produce a challenge. Enemies are relatively varied and present diferent challenges, though the really critical improvment being that you can actualy hurt them, and if you're a dps build(a dps build is possible with ANY powerset) you really can lay down the hurt, with my "commando" sword and gun and stealth combo being able to lay waste to big groups very very easily. Tankers feel indestructible at higher level, either able to clompletely ignore blows from small enemies, or cop a few boss finishers to the chin and stay verticle. Support guys are the game's weakness-though support powers are well developed, you will struggle to solo effectively unless you have pets, as the attributes for support hurt your soloing abilities.


That being said, probably the most fun ability is "self rez" which revives you after being KO'ed, except that you need to feed on soul essences or you'll lapse back into a KO'ed state. During this state you're essentialy a rampaging vampire-kills feed your hunger for souls momentarily, and the game urges you to kill maim burn your way back into this reality. It's not really heroic in any traditional sense, but by heck, it's an aweful lot of fun, especialy when playing as a zombie or slasher. Eventualy the effect wears off, and you are fully phased back into reality, but the rampages it produces are... to die for. :tongue:

Edited by Vindekarr
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i didnt read the post, too long lol, but the first sentence says, recommend CO, and im just seconding then. its a really fun game....even if you dont pay for the month, you wont be missing out on much. and its not one of those F2P where those who pay win, ill admit, ive spent money on CO to buy stuff, but the stuff you buy is all cosmetic. i enjoy making my hero look cool, and ive bought a couple of costumes just for fun!


so yea. try out Champions Online. its Free, so you got nothing to loose.

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Star Trek Online may be an option when it goes F2P on the 17th.

I haven't played it in a while, so I don't remember too much, but it was decently entertaining.

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