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Fallout 4 CTD's before main menu.


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So I reinstalled Fallout 4 and while my machine is very much below the requirements I was able to get it to run in the past, with potato level settings and 512 textures, but even leaving it vanilla I was at least able to get to the main menu. Now at version 1.8.7 it ctds before the main menu every time.

*The game is unmodded currently.
*I've tried disabling the AV
*I've tried re-verifying
*My graphics drivers are up to date

Not sure what else I can do about it.

Edited by masternetra
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Specs shouldn't matter as I pointed out I've ran a previous version of fallout 4 before. But have AMD CPU (x2 cpu 1.35GHz ea) integrated with Graphics card (radeon 2) 1GB video ram (I think), 4GB of ram (I know amazing I was able to get it working at all before, but I can play skyrim on medium settings with minor lag). Setup with potato settings and 512 textures it runs, laggy as f*** but it runs or did. Don't have any of the DLC's btw.

As for the hard drive, not experiencing ANY issues in that regard with anything else. Nothing at all to suggests Hard drive is the issue.

Edited: Also tried disabling intro video, still nothing. :/

Edited by masternetra
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Looks like you got lucky the first time around to even be able to run FO4 at all.


Asking a refund for a game of which you knew beforehand that your PC was far below the required minimum specs to run it will be met by cheers and whistles by Bethesda...

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Looks like you got lucky the first time around to even be able to run FO4 at all.


Asking a refund for a game of which you knew beforehand that your PC was far below the required minimum specs to run it will be met by cheers and whistles by Bethesda...

The thing the minimal requirements don't always mean I can't play something if I technically don't meet them. Like for skyrim, for instance my cpu is well below the listed requirements but because of the whole cpu + graphics card integration. I am able to play Skyrim on medium settings without much lag. Judging what I ACTUALLY can't play often requires me to test it out. Granted Fallout 4 was quite the stretch, though again before a certain patch I was indeed able to play it (laggy as f***, especially in town), though it wasn't bad in and out of the vault and around sanctuary and such. I think Bethesda did something around 1.3 or 1.4 that made me unable to play afterwards, at least reading around has lead me to suspect this. Oh well, my refund on steam went through though, so it is refunded.


"Asking a refund for a game of which you knew beforehand that your PC was far below the required minimum specs to run it will be met by cheers and whistles by Bethesda..."


Sarcasm, I assume. I don't see how it would matter considering if I never had got it to begin with they'd still would have made the same amount of money anyway, Which would be minus my contribution. So no actual harm done there.

Edited by masternetra
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