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petition to bring Dark Souls for PC


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Normally I'd say it'd be useless, but they've created a PC port for Ninja Blade later on too. So it's worth the try :P.

The thing is, all they really need is something like this to gain the favour from some publishers. Even the moderators at their forums think it got some potential.

It's almost hitting the 12,000 now.

Edited by Pronam
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Internet petitions don't really have a history of being effective. But now that the devs are actively gauging interest in a PC version and the news is hitting some large PC news sites, this one is definitely worth signing.


Red Dead Redemption and Dark Souls are the only console exclusive games I'm really interested in as a PC gamer. The chances aren't very big but hopefully we'll be able to pull this off for Dark Souls.

Edited by Povuholo
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I think a lot of people are starting to get annoyed at where games are landing, given what most of them have to play on. Dark Souls, being notoriously hard, would definitely find players on the PC. I mean, look at the past history of CRPGs and rougelikes, and basically Dark Souls could find a nice home here.


Chair should hit the PC market too - Shadow Complex is a game that I would really like to play, and there's possibly several people who like to see a PC implementation of the Infinity Blade series. And retooling the games for the PC wouldn't be hard either, as it was made with the Unreal 3 engine, which has been retooled over time to work well on many devices.

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soo all you guys (not talking those on this thread specifically, talking PC players in general) do is complain when a PC game is ported to consoles and it ruining the games, and consoles in general ruin the PC games....but now your begging to have a console game ported to the PC?.....nice bit of hypocrisy right there.


already played and beat the game, so i could care less if it gets ported.....i highly doubt it will though. if anything you will see a Demon Souls 3 come out for all platforms.


also note, petitions dont exactly work, at least not with From Software....the Demons/Dark Souls community had a petition to get the servers back to the way they were before in Demons Souls (the way they are in Dark Souls, ruined the game imo), and it was never changed. and we are talking a petition directly from the community, on the official forums.

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