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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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Interesting topic. I recently chose to mod out a skyrim se play through mostly following the SEPTIM guide and can honestly say, the game is so far more stable and enjoyable to me over oldrim. First, my enb works correctly, cleaner and quicker loading and NO CTD playing up to level thirty seven so far. In addition, ninety five percent of the mods I care about are already ported. Moreover, some of the mod authors did a rewrite to work around no MCM and re-coded rather than just porting with some enhancements and stability improvements. Yes, there are a couple thIngs missing still (convenient horses should be out any day now), but overall the loss of SKSE has had little impact to me in contrast to the Far greater stability improvements. Your mileage may vary, but I am having more fun now on SE than oldrim just by virtue of the stability and visual improvements I am enjoying. 95% is close enough for me. Yes, SKYUI non-hack will be great someday, but the move to SE was worth the ugluier UI to me. Your mileage may vary. SE>CTD

+1 to that, completely agree.

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But the latter is their stupid choice and if they'd let the community pay them for their time I bet they'd get enough donations to quit their day jobs and just focus on this and we'd have it in no time.

You seem to assume they work as dishwashers or something. As far as I know, their jobs are way "better" than what they are or could be doing here, even for money. Also, by what I know about the typical donation amounts here, this might maybe feed them for a month or two. A real job feeds them for years or decades.


They gave us an update last month, let me translate it for you: "this is a lot of work, we are doing it, but it will require time. No release date since we can't know when it's done, but it will be done, be sure about it".

The dev gave no reassurance whatsoever, that the project will be completed. He merely stated what has been done and what still has to be done.


Full quote of the statement:


Sorry, this isn't intended to be an April Fools joke or something like that.


I don't really have any good news. A large amount of the core code (papyrus support, scaleform support, etc) is ready, but the layout of most of the game data classes still needs to be verified as unchanged from the 32-bit version.


I haven't had any time to work on this for the past few months due to work, and I assume the same is true for Stephen. Making time estimates for full-time professional engineering projects is very hard, and this is far from that.


Again, sorry for getting people's hopes up.


I'm also taking in account the interviews they did on youtube. They will complite the script extender, it's not a matter of if they complete it or not, it's a matter of when, and they are working on it.

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I'm also taking in account the interviews they did on youtube. They will complite the script extender, it's not a matter of if they complete it or not, it's a matter of when, and they are working on it.


I must have missed these interviews. Can you please post links to them? Couldn't find via search...

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It just doesn't feel like they are actually doing anything anymore.

I'm getting pissed having to sit at my computer using VisualPing (tells me when SKSE site changes) waiting for an email.

I'm getting pissed that they have no blog, RSS, etc. to feed me with while I continually stab myself waiting for an update.


And then they give a mid-march release date and guess what? It is the end of April now, congrats.

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I'm also taking in account the interviews they did on youtube. They will complite the script extender, it's not a matter of if they complete it or not, it's a matter of when, and they are working on it.


I must have missed these interviews. Can you please post links to them? Couldn't find via search...


I don't really remember which one it is, but in one of the live streams of DDProductions some members of the script extender team did an appearance during the stream and talk about how they work and why they work this way. There are two very long live streams (Subdivided in more videos), I suggest you to listen to both of them, since they are ilarious.


It just doesn't feel like they are actually doing anything anymore.

I'm getting pissed having to sit at my computer using VisualPing (tells me when SKSE site changes) waiting for an email.

I'm getting pissed that they have no blog, RSS, etc. to feed me with while I continually stab myself waiting for an update.


And then they give a mid-march release date and guess what? It is the end of April now, congrats.


It's not their job to keep you entertained. Go get a life, play something else, find yourself a girlfriend or a boyfriend.


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I'm also taking in account the interviews they did on youtube. They will complite the script extender, it's not a matter of if they complete it or not, it's a matter of when, and they are working on it.


I must have missed these interviews. Can you please post links to them? Couldn't find via search...


I don't really remember which one it is, but in one of the live streams of DDProductions some members of the script extender team did an appearance during the stream and talk about how they work and why they work this way. There are two very long live streams (Subdivided in more videos), I suggest you to listen to both of them, since they are ilarious.


It just doesn't feel like they are actually doing anything anymore.

I'm getting pissed having to sit at my computer using VisualPing (tells me when SKSE site changes) waiting for an email.

I'm getting pissed that they have no blog, RSS, etc. to feed me with while I continually stab myself waiting for an update.


And then they give a mid-march release date and guess what? It is the end of April now, congrats.


It's not their job to keep you entertained. Go get a life, play something else, find yourself a girlfriend or a boyfriend.



You're right it's not their job to keep us entertained. But it's fair to their fans to drop in every few days, once a week, once every other week even and say, "I don't have time to give a full-blown, release-notes style update. But I do want to say we are still working on this. Currently working on X. No ETA yet."


Would that be so hard? No. I understand that they probably get paid at their real jobs a significantly more amount of money than they would be by donations. You make a good point there. But it would also be nice if they accepted some form of compensation or thanks from the community. From my standpoint, it would be nice because it would translate, even if only subconsciously, into "I should tell them what's going on."

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They gave us an update last month, let me translate it for you: "this is a lot of work, we are doing it, but it will require time. No release date since we can't know when it's done, but it will be done, be sure about it".


I want to play Skyrim SE with SKSE64 as bad as anyone one, maybe even more, but I understand this isn't something we can cry about while writing "I want it and I want it now" kind of posts all over the internet. It's useless and disrespectful towards the developers of the script extender. Also, all this talk about money and how they would make it come out faster are idiotic: the team said many times in different interviews they don't create script extenders out of money, but as a fun activity for their gaming life. They also said they will never accept money for it because it would make creating it a paid job and they already do that for a living in their everyday life, this is fun for them, an hobby.


So please guys, do whatever you want, but please stop complaing. I understand people not wanting playing the Old Skyrim anymore, I'm one of them, I don't want to touch that thing ever again because I lost too many characters I invested a lot in because of crashes and stuttering and bugs. Just play something else in the meanwhile. I just finished New Vegas with many mods and quest mods and it was amazing, I'm thinking of playing it again for a second round. Also the Witcher Wild Hunt is an amazing game, go play or replay that. Right now I just started Oblivion again. We have stuff in the meanwhile, there is no need to bother the SKSE team with complaining.


I have tried to play through Fallout. I tried for about 4 months to get A Tale of Two Wastelands to work, because let's be honest--those two games should never have been separated. I would get it working, then something would change and it would crash indefinitely. Something as minute as a driver update or a windows update would break the game. So I moved to Skyrim in anticipation of SK64 and was able to get it running smoothly enough to get about 175 hours into a new character..then SK64 came out and it blew chunks without mods, so I got greedy and thought to just make my Skyrim look like it via mods. And I totally corrupted it. Completely, totally, wholly corrupted it. My save file, the data, all of it. I've only got through about 1/5th the quests in storylines and I can't effin' continue them. So I went back to NV and Fo3 and was completely disappointed again there, after trying for the 9th or 10th time to get it to work with my mod choices. And I became extremely burned out on Bethesda because they create the best games in the world without making them stable at all.


Interesting topic. I recently chose to mod out a skyrim se play through mostly following the SEPTIM guide and can honestly say, the game is so far more stable and enjoyable to me over oldrim. First, my enb works correctly, cleaner and quicker loading and NO CTD playing up to level thirty seven so far. In addition, ninety five percent of the mods I care about are already ported. Moreover, some of the mod authors did a rewrite to work around no MCM and re-coded rather than just porting with some enhancements and stability improvements. Yes, there are a couple thIngs missing still (convenient horses should be out any day now), but overall the loss of SKSE has had little impact to me in contrast to the Far greater stability improvements. Your mileage may vary, but I am having more fun now on SE than oldrim just by virtue of the stability and visual improvements I am enjoying. 95% is close enough for me. Yes, SKYUI non-hack will be great someday, but the move to SE was worth the ugluier UI to me. Your mileage may vary. SE>CTD


I'd be willing to try your SEPTIM guide if you could post it or a link.



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You're right it's not their job to keep us entertained. But it's fair to their fans to drop in every few days, once a week, once every other week even and say, "I don't have time to give a full-blown, release-notes style update. But I do want to say we are still working on this. Currently working on X. No ETA yet."



Would that be so hard? No. I understand that they probably get paid at their real jobs a significantly more amount of money than they would be by donations. You make a good point there. But it would also be nice if they accepted some form of compensation or thanks from the community. From my standpoint, it would be nice because it would translate, even if only subconsciously, into "I should tell them what's going on."


An update every few days? Once every other week? That's insane. What should they say? I can image the updates: "Still working on it", "Still working on it", "Still working on it". "Yup, still working on it". This is coding guys, it's not a sexy show they can stream like the Skyblivion team does. It's a bunch of guys in front of a pc writing codes. They don't want your money, I already explained why and they also said it themself in their interview. We know all the time what's going on, it's not a mistery, it's not a secret, we know exactly what's going on already: they are working on it, when they have time to work on it, and it will be released the day it's done, not a day before. They don't need your monetary chains on their feet only because you feel you are their needy girlfriend, because none of them if your damn boyfriend. Go get a life.




I have tried to play through Fallout. I tried for about 4 months to get A Tale of Two Wastelands to work, because let's be honest--those two games should never have been separated. I would get it working, then something would change and it would crash indefinitely. Something as minute as a driver update or a windows update would break the game. So I moved to Skyrim in anticipation of SK64 and was able to get it running smoothly enough to get about 175 hours into a new character..then SK64 came out and it blew chunks without mods, so I got greedy and thought to just make my Skyrim look like it via mods. And I totally corrupted it. Completely, totally, wholly corrupted it. My save file, the data, all of it. I've only got through about 1/5th the quests in storylines and I can't effin' continue them. So I went back to NV and Fo3 and was completely disappointed again there, after trying for the 9th or 10th time to get it to work with my mod choices. And I became extremely burned out on Bethesda because they create the best games in the world without making them stable at all.


I'd be willing to try your SEPTIM guide if you could post it or a link.




Modding is a frustrating experience my friend, that's they way it is. I bought New Vegas years ago but never managed to play it because I was modding it too much. There is lots to learn, expecially you have to learn how not to install too many complicated mods all at once. I finally manage to have a stable New Vegas, no stuttering of crashes, after I decided to install way less mods (only 100 mods), no enb and no extra complicated mods as Project Nevada or Weapon Mods Expanded. It's a long way, that's the way it is for every Bethesda game. SSE is the more stable of all, but the script extender isn't going to fix anything, just allow more complex mods to play.


About the septim guide, you literally just need to google septim guide...

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They gave us an update last month, let me translate it for you: "this is a lot of work, we are doing it, but it will require time. No release date since we can't know when it's done, but it will be done, be sure about it".


I want to play Skyrim SE with SKSE64 as bad as anyone one, maybe even more, but I understand this isn't something we can cry about while writing "I want it and I want it now" kind of posts all over the internet. It's useless and disrespectful towards the developers of the script extender. Also, all this talk about money and how they would make it come out faster are idiotic: the team said many times in different interviews they don't create script extenders out of money, but as a fun activity for their gaming life. They also said they will never accept money for it because it would make creating it a paid job and they already do that for a living in their everyday life, this is fun for them, an hobby.


So please guys, do whatever you want, but please stop complaing. I understand people not wanting playing the Old Skyrim anymore, I'm one of them, I don't want to touch that thing ever again because I lost too many characters I invested a lot in because of crashes and stuttering and bugs. Just play something else in the meanwhile. I just finished New Vegas with many mods and quest mods and it was amazing, I'm thinking of playing it again for a second round. Also the Witcher Wild Hunt is an amazing game, go play or replay that. Right now I just started Oblivion again. We have stuff in the meanwhile, there is no need to bother the SKSE team with complaining.


I have tried to play through Fallout. I tried for about 4 months to get A Tale of Two Wastelands to work, because let's be honest--those two games should never have been separated. I would get it working, then something would change and it would crash indefinitely. Something as minute as a driver update or a windows update would break the game. So I moved to Skyrim in anticipation of SK64 and was able to get it running smoothly enough to get about 175 hours into a new character..then SK64 came out and it blew chunks without mods, so I got greedy and thought to just make my Skyrim look like it via mods. And I totally corrupted it. Completely, totally, wholly corrupted it. My save file, the data, all of it. I've only got through about 1/5th the quests in storylines and I can't effin' continue them. So I went back to NV and Fo3 and was completely disappointed again there, after trying for the 9th or 10th time to get it to work with my mod choices. And I became extremely burned out on Bethesda because they create the best games in the world without making them stable at all.


Interesting topic. I recently chose to mod out a skyrim se play through mostly following the SEPTIM guide and can honestly say, the game is so far more stable and enjoyable to me over oldrim. First, my enb works correctly, cleaner and quicker loading and NO CTD playing up to level thirty seven so far. In addition, ninety five percent of the mods I care about are already ported. Moreover, some of the mod authors did a rewrite to work around no MCM and re-coded rather than just porting with some enhancements and stability improvements. Yes, there are a couple thIngs missing still (convenient horses should be out any day now), but overall the loss of SKSE has had little impact to me in contrast to the Far greater stability improvements. Your mileage may vary, but I am having more fun now on SE than oldrim just by virtue of the stability and visual improvements I am enjoying. 95% is close enough for me. Yes, SKYUI non-hack will be great someday, but the move to SE was worth the ugluier UI to me. Your mileage may vary. SE>CTD


I'd be willing to try your SEPTIM guide if you could post it or a link.




Sure thing!


Its actually listed in the MODS section and also has a Forum Topic on here as well. For me it was just good to have a starting place for new mods first time using the SE playthrough. His last update was around April 1 to the guide and I can say I've safely added a couple of dozen mods post guide with no issues.




Good luck and hope that helps!

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Way too much optimism on here about what the SKSE64 team are "doing". On a balance of evidence, it is fair to conclude they are doing nothing.


Two most informed posters so far are Schlangster on March 21, 2017:



I don't think there has been progress since December. Which is not unsual BTW. Work is usually done in bursts with months of inactivity in between, and more or less autonomously.

My comment regarding whether there would be SkyUI 5 for SE was: "I don't know, but I think it's unlikely." It was just my realistic assessment based on experiences of the last 10 years, and if you go by that, you should assume that it's not going to happen (and be positively surprised if it turns out I was wrong).


And EnaiSiaion on March 27, 2017:



I just accepted that it's not going to happen.


Given the choice between an unstable Oldrim and hobbled Newrim, I went with neither.


Bottom line is that behippo (aka ******) was the person who posted the video on December 28, 2016 at silverlock.org. He was the one working on it, not the others. The "team" apparently does not even talk to each other. We have not heard from Stephen Abel for 4 months now, not even a one sentence update.


The project is abandoned by the current team. That is the only reasonable conclusion.


Posting identity information without permission is both dangerous and stupid. Don't do it again - TVD.

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