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Help with FormIDs


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Trying to make an addon for a mod I have that modifies the smelter's recipes that another mod gives me but I can't seem to get the form ids to match so the addon that's supposed to replace some of the recipes just adds new ones. Can't figure out why it's being so difficult. I pull up the mod I'm making the addon for as a resource for the addon mod, edit the required pieces, which in CK have the same form IDs as the old ones, but in SSEEdit they don't and the addon isn't overwriting anything.


Edit: Nevermind. While I'd still like to know if it's possible to actively go into and edit the form IDs, I no longer *need* to for the above reasons.

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Unless something has changed in SSE, you need to temporarily convert a plugin to a master in order to overwrite its forms in the CK. When you are done, convert the plugin back. Wrye Bash can do this with the esmify self option.

Could I get a link to a tutorial for doing that or?

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