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Remeshed Armor crashing Skyrim whenever I try and equip


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Hi, I did some copy branching of the cloak from the emperor's clothing (with some custom texture work) and placed it on the female iron armor (non-banded) to make a heavy cloaked version of the armor, everything looks fine in Nifskope, but it just crashes the game whenever I try and equip it.


Here's what it looks like in Nifskope:






Anyone have any clue what might be the problem?

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have the same problem !


I used 3DSmax and deleted a few Polygons from the EbonyCuirass. Exported to NIF etc.

Ingame the Armor was correctly displayed, but unfortunaly without the female Body (transparent).

I use Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE- so i imported the CBBE Body into 3DSmax and merged with my EbonyArmor, exported to NIF etc..

(i tryed it with 2 different Meshes, 1. the Body 2. the Armor)

Now when i try to equip the Armor i get a CTD..

wondering me if it crashes because i have 2 meshes instead 1 ??


BTW: i worked with the So Much Monsters tutorial

Edited by Shazhar
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I had a CTD issue with one of my custom armors. It turned out to be a problem with the scene root... if you import to Nifskope and there are 2... you need to delete the second. dont forget to clear children first then set the rest to children of the first root :)
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I found the most common reason for Instant CTD's ETD's (Exits to Desktop?) with mods I'd done, is setting the Shader's incorrectly


Make sure in the "NiTriShapeData" it has "Has Vertex Color" set to "no" if you don't have "Vertex Color" ticked in "Shader Flags 2" (just double click on it to swap between 'yes' or 'no')

At least that solved the problem for me ...

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in my case it isnt a problem of the vertex colors..

i've tryed 2 different savefiles to see if i get the same error..

1. only the naked body --> works perfect!

2. only the armor --> works perfect! (just where you should see the bodypart it is transparent)


so the problem must be somewhere in the combination of the 2 meshes..


i've tryed also to merge both meshes, it ends in the same result: CTD

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Ok i could solve the problem: it was a problem with the BSDismemberSkinInstance !!


1. i deleted in 3DSmax the BSDismemberSkinInstance and added a new one for each mesh. make sure that you select all faces from the mesh and its assigned as BODY PART : TORSO


2. in NIF you have to change ALL Skeleton roots (in BSDismemberSkinInstance) from "Scene Root" to "Cuirass"

finaly it should look like this : http://i1247.photobucket.com/albums/gg628/Shazhar/correct.jpg

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  • 2 months later...

I've never had this problem till patch 1.5. Now I can even load my old games that had custom armor in them. I make a new game, make the armor try to equip it, and it CTD every damn time. :wallbash:


Only armor mods I have are Scout Armor, Black Tower and Black Sacrament Armor, and LeatherBound Huntress Armour. (Best ones IMO)


I've had problems with CTD before but that was cause of the 50 mod limit that was in place pre 1.5 or at least thats what they said, I'm still only running about 35-40 just in case.


Anyone know why this is happening now?

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