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how much fps would i get if i have realvision?



That's going to depend on a LOT of factors besides merely your GPU. Whatever other mods you decide upon will have a large impact. Note that RealVision has a LOT of suggested complimentary mods. If you use most of them it will definitely affect your FPS.


However, RealVision is a relatively well optimized ENB. So you should get pretty good FPS with the upgrades you mentioned.

Taken from Realvision's front page:

Recommended system requirements for 40-60 FPS is...

CPU: i5-xxxx @>3GHz


GPU (for full version of RealVision): AMD R9 390


Note that while a RX 480 is faster in most games, the R9 390 still has the advantage in rendering textures. However, as both have 8GB of VRAM, that's like saying that one bullet train is slightly faster than another. The RX 480 will be just fine for the full version of RealVision.


tl/dr; 40 to 60 FPS depending on the other mods you install. Your mileage may vary.

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I have about the same specs on my "wooden box" and am currently running 330 mods. I have to use some mods that help with certain areas of the game performance wise. I average around 25 fps outdoors and 40 fps indoors.

this is at 1600x900 resolution with actor/item fade and the like at medium quality.


But will definitely upgrade when I have more money. :smile:


Be advised ,though, I had to work on my Skyrim for weeks to get it stable.

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Regarding ENB i always suggest the performance versions even with powerful hardware. Especially if you plan on adding a lot of mods on top of ENB.


Reason i suggest this is performance to cost ratio. meaning the performance impact between running full quality/performance is a lot of times significant while the benefit/visial impact is lets be honest...MINIMAL.


Therefor it makes a lot more sense to use performance. Have almost the same looks (no noticeable difference) but 20% better FPS.


I use this rule for ALL mods.


Same concept and other visuals. Can you really tell the difference between 1,2, and 4k? Is that bloated texture really needed???


Just some food for thought.


Good example is a mod like high quality LODS.........you literally cant tell the difference but it eats VRAM quite a bit.


1 vs 2k noble skyrim.....again cant tell the difference but the memory impact is signifcant.

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Wow, is Skyrim the best place to learn modding or what!! I have had to learn far more about programs and their workings than I ever could have imagined. I will give everyone new to modding Skyrim one piece of advice. If it seems like you are putting to many mods in your game......You Are!!!!! :wallbash:

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Wow, is Skyrim the best place to learn modding or what!! I have had to learn far more about programs and their workings than I ever could have imagined. I will give everyone new to modding Skyrim one piece of advice. If it seems like you are putting to many mods in your game......You Are!!!!! :wallbash:

Oh yes!! Those 200+ mod posts "My game crashes someone please help"


Also started from scratch and knew zip about mods or modding at all,Know i know quite a lot about cpu's and gpu's as well,And all those hours listening to gopher enchanting voice :tongue:

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i bought a gtx 1070 sc with the i5 6600k


so is this good?


Oh, yes. The 1070 is the best-bang-for-the-buck GPU out there currently. An i5-6600k will overclock easily (if you need to.) By way of example, I've got an i5-3570k on a Z77 mobo that normally runs at 3.4GHz. A simple overclock in my UEFI (BIOS) -that doesn't even require tweaking the voltage, gets me 4.2GHz. So your 6600K will do nicely.


However, if you do overclock, make sure your CPU cooler is up to the job. I would recommend a simple All-In-One self-contained water cooler like the Corsair H50. You can stress-test your overclocked CPU with Prime-95 and monitor your core temps with Core Temp.

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i bought a gtx 1070 sc with the i5 6600k


so is this good?


Oh, yes. The 1070 is the best-bang-for-the-buck GPU out there currently. An i5-6600k will overclock easily (if you need to.) By way of example, I've got an i5-3570k on a Z77 mobo that normally runs at 3.4GHz. A simple overclock in my UEFI (BIOS) -that doesn't even require tweaking the voltage, gets me 4.2GHz. So your 6600K will do nicely.


However, if you do overclock, make sure your CPU cooler is up to the job. I would recommend a simple All-In-One self-contained water cooler like the Corsair H50. You can stress-test your overclocked CPU with Prime-95 and monitor your core temps with Core Temp.



You must have got a good one cause i had to increase voltage to get that on mine. I backed it off to 4 now tho and thats what its been at for the last 2 years.

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