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Mass Effect 3 Will Require Origin on PC


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"Playing Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer will require a constant connection."


So, that's official? What has our dear beloved planet become. :ohdear: I guess that they were just stating that there will not be any LAN Multiplayer mode. Because, well... It IS multiplayer too.



I've seen a lot of people arguing about Steam(More specifically, Steamworks) and Origin, saying they're intrusive pieces of software, and that there's no need for such DRM measures. I don't delve too much into that, just as long as they let me play singleplayer without an active internet connection. I know Steam does, not sure about Origin as I haven't tried it yet. The service my ISP provides is good. Pretty good, I might add, and relatively affordable. Unfortunately, people might not have enough income to be able to afford a good internet service, or the place they live in just doesn't have good quality lines. Thing is, there's a lot games being released through digital distribution platforms such as the ones mentioned above, exclusively or not. Which means that if you don't have a good internet connection, you're sadly out of luck.


Something must change, obviously. But what's to change really? The platforms, or the service providers? :armscrossed:

Edited by Yoshh
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The thing is that Origins scans your whole PC, just for the sake of gathering information for EA and those they deal with. Meaning not only what games you have installed, but any personal documents, applications, saved e-mails, and everything else on your computer is fair game, and you grant them unlimited rights to this information for both EA and whoever they decide to share this information to. You also forfeit your right to sue EA for any reason.


That is a more than a little bit intrusive. I didn't trust EA a whole heck of a lot before Origins, and now I won't buy anything they make, regardless how highly rated it is. Origins serves only to screw over customers and give EA unlimited access into your life.

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Oh grow up. The same thing happened when Valve forced everyone to use Steam for HL2 and look at them now. If you have actual evidence of datamining and spyware then show it, don't hide it. Don't bring up the EULA or news reports, that isn't going to prove anything but go to a computer and check if Origin is running on other systems. While I'm at it, are you going to do the same thing with Facebook? Or Google? Or your consoles and smartphones? Cause they collect data too. Stop being hypocritical. Edited by brokenergy
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Oh grow up. The same thing happened when Valve forced everyone to use Steam for HL2 and look at them now. If you have actual evidence of datamining and spyware then show it, don't hide it. Don't bring up the EULA or news reports, that isn't going to prove anything but go to a computer and check if Origin is running on other systems. While I'm at it, are you going to do the same thing with Facebook? Or Google? Or your consoles and smartphones? Cause they collect data too. Stop being hypocritical.


this just made me smile lol.



im not worries about Origin. i dont have it yet, and ill be getting ME3 for Ps3 since got ME2 for it. but will eventually get Origin to play Bf3...eventually.....not getting Origin isnt hurting them any. all your doing is hurting yourself by not being able to partake in some really great games.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Oh grow up. The same thing happened when Valve forced everyone to use Steam for HL2 and look at them now. If you have actual evidence of datamining and spyware then show it, don't hide it. Don't bring up the EULA or news reports, that isn't going to prove anything but go to a computer and check if Origin is running on other systems. While I'm at it, are you going to do the same thing with Facebook? Or Google? Or your consoles and smartphones? Cause they collect data too. Stop being hypocritical.

The issue is what data is being collected, and for who's benefit. Steam doesn't, for instance, scan browsing history or personal documents, but Origins does. This has been documented rather clearly by several people noticing that Origins is in fact accessing this data. Steam, at most, only accesses the steam game you have installed.








Video shows EA scanning. It's in German, but is rather clear.


This isn't just tin-foil hat type concerns here.


The difference is that it isn't just scanning one small part of behavior related with a small part of locations or uses... It's scanning EVERYTHING and transmitting information about your ENTIRE computer, files, EVERYTHING. Constantly. Origins is essentially saying that in exchange for buying their games and using part of their service, they can monitor every single thing you do and use that information however they wish. And you have no right to argue or sue for ANY reason. I can block google if I so desire without it affecting my browsing. I can decide to turn of (and pull the battery) out of a smart phone if I don't want it reporting home. With Origins, as long as you have it running, it can do anything it darn well wishes and you can't use these games without it running and recording information constantly.


Do not want, even if they were paying me to play these games and tell them my life story. The fact that you have to pay them in addition to giving over this information is outright ludicrous.

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Oh grow up. The same thing happened when Valve forced everyone to use Steam for HL2 and look at them now. If you have actual evidence of datamining and spyware then show it, don't hide it. Don't bring up the EULA or news reports, that isn't going to prove anything but go to a computer and check if Origin is running on other systems. While I'm at it, are you going to do the same thing with Facebook? Or Google? Or your consoles and smartphones? Cause they collect data too. Stop being hypocritical.

The issue is what data is being collected, and for who's benefit. Steam doesn't, for instance, scan browsing history or personal documents, but Origins does. This has been documented rather clearly by several people noticing that Origins is in fact accessing this data. Steam, at most, only accesses the steam game you have installed.








This isn't just tin-foil hat type concerns here.


Bloody hell man, that's appauling. I don't think Im going to be buying any more EA games any time soon.

Edited by Vindekarr
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broken energy, your advice to grow up is valid for your pink pony too. Each concession at this level is something you are contributing to enslave yourself to the most absurd marketing policies and models. You can't see it now but securely will be sorry when "actually" begin to feel the effects.
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